The Single Market Act: What's in it for Europe's regions and cities? Forum of the Committee of the Regions Brussels, 30 November 2010 Workshop 2: Coming.


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Presentation transcript:

The Single Market Act: What's in it for Europe's regions and cities? Forum of the Committee of the Regions Brussels, 30 November 2010 Workshop 2: Coming home: Sustainable local solutions for public transport and energy supply Cross-border Cooperation for mobility solutions SoNorA and Alpcheck2 projects Mr. Riccardo Maratini – Project Manager - Veneto Region

2 SoNorA: South – North Axis Improving South - North Transport Infrastructure and Services Across Central Europe  Helping Regions to develop south- north accessibility, between the Adriatic and Baltic seas, in terms of:  Making an integrated network of different Central European transport axis  Activating and improving multimodal freight logistics services  Developing transnational action plans for future realisations  Supporting new regional development opportunities due to transport network improvements

3 SoNorA Reference Area and Infrastructure Network

4 SoNorA Project Data  Central Europe programme - EU Territorial Cooperation  Duration: 40 months (Nov Feb 2012)  Total budget: € ,99  ERDF contribution: € ,84 25  25 Partners from 6 EU countries  35 Associated Institutions from 9 EU countries 

5 SoNorA – First Results Evaluation of transport flow impacts with final results of the transport model (base scenario and future scenario at 2020) Comparison of national priorities Analysis of impact of misalignment Case studies on network finalisation (6 on nodes, 8 regional) Inland waterways usage pre-feasibility and feasibility (case studies on potential feeder network links being finalised)

6 TEN-T Policy recommendations on updating TEN-T Network Developed and submitted SoNorA a position paper TEN-T Days (2009, 2010) Submitted SoNorA position Consultation Process 15/09/10 Presentation 06/10/10 - Brussels Principles for designing the core network Dual layer approach MODES Selection criteria  Maturity  Operation  Directing  Effect  Sustainability

7 SoNorA – First Results Consensus Building analysis: 3 case studies under development Infrastructure realisation in environment sensitive areas (4 case studies under development) Preinvestment case studies for logistic infrastructures (8 case studies) Business case and pilot studies on new potential port logistics and sector-specific logistics services (16 business cases) Market Player Involvement and ICT tool Regional Economic Cooperation

8 Alpcheck2 Project AlpCheck2 is funded within the EU Territorial Co-operation Framework, Alpine Space Programme, within the Priority 2 “Accessibility and Connectivity” Budget: Budget: € 3,147, (of which € 2,391, ERDF) Duration: Duration:from September 2009 to March 2012 (30 months) Partners (Veneto Region as LP) and 5 Observers 10 Partners (Veneto Region as LP) and 5 Observers Building up a road Transport Decision Support System (TDSS) covering the whole Alpine area, to support public decision makers dealing with transport management and planning at different geographic scalesBuilding up a road Transport Decision Support System (TDSS) covering the whole Alpine area, to support public decision makers dealing with transport management and planning at different geographic scales Further development of technologies for traffic monitoring (AlpCheck step1)Further development of technologies for traffic monitoring (AlpCheck step1) Integrating Transport and Environmental informationIntegrating Transport and Environmental information

9 Thank you for your attention!