Newborn Babies
A newborn is a baby that is less than 14 days old.
An ‘infant' is a baby between the ages of 15 days until about months old
Characteristics of Newborns
What is your heart rate? How does this compare with a newborn baby’s heart rate?
1. Rapid heartrate 150+ beats per minute faster for boys than for girls
What is your respiration rate? How does this compare with a newborn baby’s respiration rate?
2. Rapid, shallow, and irregular breathing may average 46 breaths per minute
3. Large head compared to overall body size
4. Neck muscles are weak head must be supported
5. Short bowed legs drawn up close to body in a fetal position
6. Large eyes compared to head size eyes are almost adult size usually blue/slate grey will change to permanent colour by 6 weeks
7. Underdeveloped jaw no teeth evident at birth Primary teeth (baby teeth) will appear from 6-10 months of age
8. Fontanelles 2 soft spots on top of baby's head
9. Weight at birth: average for girls: 7 lbs. average for boys: 7 1/2 lbs. will usually lose weight in the first few days but regain birth weight in 10 days
10. Length/Height at birth: inches long
Guinness World Book of Records Largest baby ever born weighed in at lbs or 10.8 kg and 30 inches long Was born in 1879 to Anna Bates, a Canadian living in Ohio, USA Mom was 7 ft 5.5 inches Both parents had ‘giantism’ Died 11 hours after birth
Heaviest baby who survived was an Italian born boy weighing 22 lbs, 8 oz or 10.2 kg who was born to Signora Carmelina Fedele at Aversa, Italy in September, 1955
The world's smallest known surviving baby was Rumaisa Rahman who weighed just 8.6 ounces or 244 grams when she was born in Chicago in 2004
Sensory Development Sight, Taste, Smell, Hearing, Touch
Sight Babies are born with imperfect eyesight Babies can only clearly see objects less than 24 inches (2 ft) or about 40 cm away They have double vision that is blurry They are drawn to contrasts in colours (light & dark)
Hearing Healthy babies have excellent hearing As early as 3 days after birth, a baby can recognize familiar voices (parents)
Taste & Smell Babies have a well developed sense of taste They are able to show preference for their mother’s breast milk over the milk of others Babies feel objects by putting them into their mouths; this helps them to understand objects
Reflexes of Newborn Babies
newborns are capable or certain inherited, automatic, coordinated movement patterns, called reflexes, that can be triggered by the right stimulus many, but not all infants are born with such reflexes
1. Grasping reflex a response to a touch on the palm of the hand infants can cling to an object with so much strength that they can be lifted up into the air disappears during the first 6 months of life
2. Rooting reflex if an alert newborn is touched anywhere around the mouth, he will move his head and mouth toward the source of the touch in an effort to suck
3. Sucking reflex in response to the mouth coming in contact with an appropriate object one of the most complicated reflexes infant is able to suck, breath air, and swallow milk twice a second without getting confused
4. Moro or Startle reflex an infant lying on his back when startled by a loud noise out of sight above his head, will spread his arms out at right angles to the body and grasp upwards, and the legs will spread outward
5. Babinski reflex when the bottom of an infants feet are stroked, the toes flare outward and the foot presses against the stimulus occurs until about 1 year old
Gross or Large Motor Skills Movements of large muscles Significant physical movement i.e. – running, hopping, skipping, jumping
Fine or Small Motor Skills Precise, controlled small movements i.e. – drawing, painting, printing, writing, puzzles
Eye Hand Coordination The ability to pick something up intentionally and with ease (see the item and pick it up on the first try) Often incorporates a pincer grip
Pincer Grip Use of the opposable thumb and forefinger to pick up items i.e. – picking up puzzle pieces, buttons
The Issue of Circumcision
Circumcision The removal of the foreskin on the tip of the penis It is present at birth; it is there to protect the tip of the penis Typically, done in the hospital before the baby boy goes home, or within the first few weeks after birth Usually anesthetic is not used Not covered by OHIP because it is considered ‘elective’
Circumcision – Yes or no? Yes… Easy to clean May require it later if there is an infection Less chance of urine infection & cancer Less chance of partner getting cervix cancer No… It hurts! Chance of infection is small Cancer of the penis is rare May decrease penis sensitivity in adult life