10 th American History Daily Lessons
This Day in History and Current Events This Day in History Current Event –:
While you were gone 10 th American HistoryMake-up Assignments Dec. 21 While you were gone 10 th American History- Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook Room 214 Student-______________ Date Absent Dec. 21 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: Chapter 12 Test- Jan. 4 In Class Work: Chapter 12 Section 4 pg Activities- –Before Class starts- This Day in History and Current Events- put in Go Hawk Planner –Iowa Caucus’s –5 min. Vocabulary –5 min. Vocabulary – Academic- Social Studies- –5 min.- Time Reading Activity. –10 min.- Discussion of Section 3-. Interactive reader and study guide –10-15 min- Coop work-. Daily Bellringer Daily Test Practice, Vocabulary Builder. Sect. Quiz, Biography- Analyzing the New Deal –Begin Power point- Analyzing the New Deal Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam- ________________________ Signature:_____________________
Day #84 Homework due today – Chapter 12 Section 4 pg In Class Work- Activities- –Reading Quiz –Word Wall – Academic- Social Studies- –Daily Bellringer, –Base Group work- Daily Test Practice, Vocabulary Builder Section Quiz, Primary Source and 4 HOT Questions –Begin Power point- Analyzing the New Deal Unit III A Modern Nation Chapter 12 Sect. 4 Practice Test Word Wall and Bellringer PowerPoint Voc. Builder Sect. Quiz
Reading Quiz 1.The FDIC was a New Deal reform law, what did it do? 2.Did all of the New Deal programs call for bigger government or smaller government? 3.New Deal relief programs were meant to be permanent solutions to joblessness- True or False? 4.In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act established the___________ 5.When talking about candidates for a public office, the one who is currently in office is called the _________________ 6.The SEC helped the public regain faith in the _______________________.
Reading Quiz 1.The FDIC was a New Deal reform law, what did it do? Insure peoples savings. 2.Did all of the New Deal programs call for bigger government or smaller government? Bigger 3.New Deal relief programs were meant to be permanent solutions to joblessness- True or False? 4.In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act established the minimum wage 5.When talking about candidates for a public office, the one who is currently in office is called the incumbent. 6.The SEC helped the public regain faith in the stock market
Academic Word/Definition (located in the Margin) Etymology- Origin of word Social Studies Word/DefinitionPrefix/Suffix or Reminder Word
Daily Bell Ringer – 12.4
Answers to Daily Bellringer 12.4
Daily Test Practice 12.4
Answers to daily test practice 12.4
Vocabulary Builder 12.4
Vocabulary Builder 12.4
Section Quiz 12.4
Section Quiz 12.4
10 th American History Unit III – A Modern Nation Chapter 12 Section 4 Analyzing the New Deal- PMI- Plus – Minus – Interesting Using the Power Point Discussion fill in the areas below.. Plus- Benefits- good points of the time period of the FDR’s New Deal Minus – drawbacks of the time period of FDR’s New Deal. Interesting - Comments or questions or items about the time period of FDR’s New Deal.