Fad Diets and Supplements Topic 5
What is a fad diet? There is no specific definition A general description: ANY diet that does not meet basic guidelines for good health and promises effortless, quick weight loss The diets do not include eating food from all of the food groups (meat and meat substitutes, fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy foods)
Fad diets: remember these? A variety of diets that are popular at one point and then fade away Cabbage soup and grapefruit diet Detox diet Any other diets??
What is a fad diet (cont’d)? Fad diets do not aid in permanent lifestyle changing behaviors They allow for quick fix dieting over periods of weeks Remember that most individuals regain the weight they lost while dieting—and at times even more!
What are detox diets? These are often associated with regimens that cleanse the body of built up toxins Many individuals feel the need to “detox” after over consumption of sugar and alcohol
Do we need to detoxify our bodies? Our bodies have natural detoxifiers Kidneys Liver Respiratory system Gastrointestinal system Often times making small changes in one’s diet (eliminating unhealthy food choices) can be beneficial
What are popular terms relating to detox diets? Fasting Another term for starving Can be extremely dangerous Can be associated with headaches and fatigue Juice fasts This provides energy from natural sugars found in fruit as well as some vitamins and minerals This may be more of a mental preparation in considering one’s self to be on a “healthy track” towards a healthier diet This type of fast should last no longer than 2 days
Popular detox diet terms (cont’d) Cleansing products, colonics and supplements These often refer to “colon cleansing” and have a laxative effect Overuse of these products can damage the digestive tract These products can be quite expensive
Popular Diet Terms
Low carbohydrate diet Known as Atkins or South Beach Can recommend a maximum of ~20 grams of net carbohydrates daily Most of initial weight loss is water weight and often individuals regain more weight once they return to their usual diet
Glycemic index diet These foods are ranked on how quickly they elevate blood sugar levels A couple of concerns: The index does not consider portion size The index does not consider food preparation method American Dietetic Association claims there is no research to show that the glycemic index of a food has an effect on weight loss or weight gain
Zone diet (40/30/30) Suggests that consuming 40% calories from carbohydrates and 30% calories from protein and fat aids in stabilizing blood sugars and weight loss It is important to know the specific types of carbohydrates, protein and fat
Low fat diet Known as Ornish or Pritikin-type diet Suggests that eating foods from the “allowed” list (high in fiber/low in saturated fat) until satisfied will improve cholesterol and blood pressure Meal planning and preparation can be time consuming
Cookie diet This is a very low calorie diet (800 calories) and described as a doctor supervised custom program Daily diet consists of: 6 special cookies 8 glasses of water 6 ounces of lean protein 1 cup of vegetables for dinner
3 hour diet Jorge Cruz Suggests that consuming smaller, more frequent meals (every 3 hours) will reduce feelings of hunger and ultimately reduce caloric intake Diet recommends that if an individual stays fueled (and hydrated) he/she can maintain motivation and energy, while avoiding feelings of hunger
Meal replacement diet Shakes and bars (Slimfast) Works for those individuals who require extreme structure and prefer not to spend time with meal preparation Meal replacements allow individuals to stick to an allotment of calories
Raw foods diet Suggests that eating only foods that are raw or “living”, unprocessed and unpasteurized will promote immunity and longevity Nutritional value in a food can be increased when cooked (tomatoes) It is recommended to cook some foods to ensure food safety techniques
Sugar busters Recommends no sugar in the diet Suggests that eating sugar is toxic to the body causing it to release insulin and store excess sugar as fat Diet is focused primarily on protein and fat and suggests avoiding specific carbohydrates which restricts intake on some fruits, vegetables and whole grains
Blood diet Dr. Peter D’Adamo Suggests eating based on genetic make-up Ethnicity/race Caucasian, African or Asian Blood type O, A, B or AB Diet includes food that promotes immunity and healthy weight Ultimately though it is calories in vs. calories out that determine weight loss
Is this diet a fad diet? Does it promise slow weight loss of 1-2 pounds? Is there a Registered Dietitian involved? Does it allow you to eat foods from all the food groups (fruits, vegetables, breads and cereals, meat and meat substitutes and dairy foods)? Does it encourage permanent behavior change and exercise?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then this IS NOT a fad diet
Is this diet a fad diet? Does it promise quick weight loss of 3 or more pounds weekly? Does it tell you to never eat certain foods? Does it suggest that you buy supplements to make up for what the diet is missing?
Is you answered yes to any of these questions then this IS a fad diet
What are negative health implications surrounding fad diets and diet programs? Short term effects Fatigue Irritability Weakness
What are negative health implications surrounding fad diets and diet programs? Long term effects Increased risk for heart disease Increased risk for kidney and liver damage Removes the pleasure out of eating
Weight loss pills and supplements: the facts Doesn’t everyone want to loose weight quickly and easily?
Weight loss pills and supplements: the facts (cont’d) Are they healthy? Dietary supplements and weight loss pills are not regulated by the same standards as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and often have limited proof of safety and effectiveness Once a product is on the market the FDA can then investigate Are they worth the money? Often times they are expensive
Weight loss pills and supplements: the facts (cont’d) There are multiple weight loss pills available over the counter and online It is important to read labels and to discuss options with a physician Check the FDA website for updates regarding alerts about safety concerns and recalls See handout: Common Weight-loss Pills and the Research Behind Their Effectiveness and Safety
Weight loss pills and supplements: the facts (cont’d) Make sure to include your physician in your weight loss plans Remember there are no quick fixes----no matter what a product claims!
Weight loss myths There are many!!! See handout: Weight-loss and Nutrition Myths
Diet programs Jenny Craig NutriSystem Take Off Pounds Sensibly Weight Watchers Registered Dietitian
Reference materials Health: Comparison of Diets FDA: Dietary Supplements RD U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases