The Polish Rip Van Winkle


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Presentation transcript:

The Polish Rip Van Winkle Page (8) The Polish Rip Van Winkle

"Rip Van Winkle" was a character in a short story by the American author Washington Irving. "ريب فان وينكل“ كان كشخصية في قصة قصيرة للكاتب الأمريكي واشنطن ايرفينج. Rip Van Winkle Washington Irving

Paragraph (1): Rip Van Winkle" was a character in a short story by the American author Washington Irving. In the story, Rip lived in a little town in the Hudson Valley, in New York, in the 1770s, around the time of the American Revolution. Rip went out hunting one day, took a nap under a tree, and fell asleep. He woke up 20 years later to find himself a citizen of a brand-new country—the United States of America. القصة: (ريب فان وينكل) عاش في مدينة صغيرة في (هيدسون فالي ) بنيويورك في سنة 1770م, وقت الثورة الامريكية. في يوم ما ذهب (ريب) للصيد ومن ثم جلس تحت شجرة واخذ غفوة ثم نام. استيقظ بعد 20 سنة ليجد نفسه مواطن لدولة حديثة وهي الولايات المتحدة الامريكية.

Evaluation (1) Who was Washington Irving? An American writer. Where did Rip Van Winkle live? New York. What happened to him? He slept for 20 years. How had his country changed in 20 years? It had become the United States.

Paragraph (2): Eid Al-Blewi, 80, who had been in a coma for five years, woke up and was able to indentify members of his family. The 80- year old had not regained consciousness after surgery to remove a tumor in his head. While still in a coma, he had undergone treatment for one and a half years at the Tabuk Armed Forces Hospital. His family did not expect him to wake up when he did . Doctors believe that the treatment had a positive effect on his condition and help him wake up. عيد البلوي 80 سنة . كان في غيبوبة لمدة خمس سنوات واستيقظ فيما بعد ليستطيع التعرف على افراد عائلته. الرجل الثمانيني لم يستعيد الوعي بعد عملية جراحية لازلة ورم خبيث في رأسه. بينما كان في غيبوبة كان يخضع للعلاج لمدة سنة ونصف في مستشفى تبوك العسكري. لم يتوقع افراد عائلته بان يستيقظ من الغيبوبة ولكن الاطباء اعتقدوا بان العلاج كان له تأثير ايجابي عليه.

Evaluation (2) Who was Eid Al- Blewi? An 80- year old who had not regained his consciousness. What happened to him? He had been in coma for five years. What did his family expect? They did not expect him to wake up from that coma. Is the story true? Yes, it is

Paragraph (3): An Egyptian man, who had been in a coma for almost seven months, woke up and named the person who had shot him in the head. The man had been taken to the hospital seven months before with a serious head injury and had slipped into a coma almost immediately. When he woke up he lived long enough to tell the police that a barber, named Mohammed, had shot him. The barber was arrested and charged with murder. رجل مصري كان في غيبوبة لمدة سبعة اشهر . اسيقظ فيما بعد لينطق باسم الشخص الذي اطلق علية النار في رأسه. اخذ الى المستشفى باصابة خطيرة و استقر بالغيبوبة لفترة سبعة اشهر. عندما اسيقظ من الغيبوبة عاش لفترة كافية ليكشف للشرطة ان الحلاق المدعو محمد اطلق عليه النار. فيما بعد قبض على الحلاق واتهم بجريمة قتل.

Evaluation (3) What is the story about? An Egyptian man who had been shot. Who did shoot him? A barber man called Mohammad. How long had he been in a coma? He had been in a coma seven months Did the police arrest the criminal? Yes, they are.

Paragraph (4): يان جرازبيسكي 65 سنة: Polish railway worker Jan Grzebski, 65, is not from a work of fiction, but is a real-life one. Grzebski went into a coma after he was hit by a train in 1988. He woke up 19 years later in April 2007, into a world that had transformed itself from a Communist regime where food lines were common to a world of Big Macs and cell phones.“When I went into a coma, there was only tea and vinegar in the shops, meat was rationed, and there were long lines of cars at gas stations. Now there are so many goods in the shops it makes my head spin. What amazes me today is that all these people walk around with their cell phones and never stop complaining. I have nothing to complain about,” said Grzebski. At the time of the accident, Grzebski’s doctors didn’t give him long to live, but they were wrong. He survived thanks to the devoted care of his wife, Gertrude. She refused to believe the doctors and moved her husband’s body every hour to prevent bed sores. “It was Gertrude that saved me, and I’ll never forget it,” said Grzebski. Now he’s getting to know his family, which has grown considerably since his accident. His four children are all married and have provided him with 11 grandchildren. يان جرازبيسكي 65 سنة: عامل بولندي في سكة حديدية والذي سقط في غيبوبة مع حادث تصادم مع قطار في عام 1988م . استيقظ بعد 19 سنة من ذلك الحادث في عام 2007م. لم يتوقع الاطباء ان يسيقظ من الغيبوبة التي استمرت 19 سنة. الى جانب زوجته التي كانت تقوم برعايتة طيلة 19 عام. يقول: ” عندما كنت في الغيبوبة كان هناك الشاي والخل فقط في المحلات التجارية بالاضافة الى الحوم التي كانت بنسبة قليلة جدا. ولكن الآن اصبح هناك الكثير من المواد الغذائية والتي تسبب لي الصداع. اصبح الناس لديهم الهواتف النقالة ومع ذلك لا يتوقفوا من التذمر“ تزوج كل ابناءه الاربعة واصبح لديه 11 عشر حفيدا.

Evaluation (4) What happened to Jan Grzebski? He was hit by a train and went into a coma. How long was he in a coma? 19 years. How was Poland different? There were many more goods. Why does he think it’s strange that people are complaining? They have so much more than before.

Perpetuation a. Continuation Regain c. to get something back After Reading Page ( 9 ) A. Choose the meaning of each word as it is used in the reading. Perpetuation (P2) استمرارية 2. Regain (P2) يسترد 3. Treatment (P2) معالجة 4. effect (P2) نتيجة 5. Transformed (P4) تغير/تحول 6. Rationed (P5) معدل محدد Perpetuation a. Continuation Regain c. to get something back Treatment c. medical procedures to cure illness effect b. result Transformed c. changed completely Rationed b. given in limited amounts

(B) page: 9 Explain the following expressions in your own words: 1. Regain consciousness ( paragraph 2) get back consciousness 2. Slip into a coma (paragraph 3) lose consciousness 3. Make my head spin (paragraph 5) makes someone feel dizzy

The man was in a coma for ten years Taking notes: To write only key words that give information such as nouns, verbs and adjectives. For example: The man was in a coma for ten years Notes: coma / 10 years

Discussion Think of a story you know or read about a medical miracle. Write information in the chart (page 9): Fact 1: There was a girl who was in a coma for a long time. Her family burried her and made a funeral . During death ceremony, she woke up again and saw all people and then she had a heart attack and died.

Fact 2 A man was shot by bullet. He went to the hospital and remained in a coma 30 years after he woke up, he had a heart attack and died.

Fact 3 A man was in a coma 20 years. After he woke up, when his mother saw him, she immediately died.

Khalid Saeed Al shahrani خالد سعيد الشهراني Prepared by اعداد المعلم Khalid Saeed Al shahrani خالد سعيد الشهراني All Copy Rights © Reserved 2015