Reaching Goals and Achieving Independence (REGAIN) through Higher Education at the Blumberg Center Providing inclusive, postsecondary opportunities and an array of person- centered services to assist young adults with disabilities to achieve academically, advocate successfully, and engage positively in the college environment at Indiana State University.
Support Services for Student Success (4-S) Designed for ISU-degree seeking students with disabilities such as specific learning disability, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder who need services beyond federally mandated reasonable accommodations. Establishment of 4-S program will offer the first such fee-based services program at a four-year state university in Indiana. Career and Life Instruction for Meaningful Employment (CLIME) Designed for young adults with intellectual disabilities who seek a career-focused college experience. Establishment of CLIME program will offer the second such program in Indiana. REGAIN Programs
REGAIN Services Specific services* will be determined by the individual student needs, interests, and strengths and may include – Supplemental instruction to support performance in ISU credit and audit courses, – Intensive mentoring, – Skill instruction in areas related to social, personal, and independence, – Career and employment experiences and coaching, and – Health and wellness activities. *Services are fee-based and beyond reasonable accommodations required by ADA.
Areas of Focus in REGAIN Programs Services will focus on a variety of skills and topics depending upon the individual REGAIN student’s needs, interests, and strengths. Areas may include – Academic skills, – Social skills, – Self-determination and advocacy skills, – Executive functioning skills, – Finances for independent living, – Career Exploration, – Job Coaching, – Time management skills
REGAIN Advisory Council Members represent state and national stakeholders, persons with disabilities, families, and professionals with expertise in postsecondary education for adults with disabilities. Roles include REGAIN program development, evaluation, and improvement.
REGAIN Collaborators Community, State, NationalIndiana State University Indiana Institute on disability and Community (IIDC) at Indiana University Department of Elementary, Early, and Special Education (EESE) Manju Banerjee, University of Connecticut, Beyond Access Program Department of Communication Disorders and Counseling, School, and Educational Psychology (CDCSEP) Vincennes University STEP ProgramCunningham Memorial Library Nancie Payne, National Learning Disabilities Association Board Disabled Student Services IN*SOURCE Indiana Resource Center for Families with Special Needs Student Counseling Center Covered Bridge Special Education DistrictStudent Recreation Center The Arc of Vigo CountyCareer Center Special Olympics of Indiana
REGAIN GoalsConnection to ISU Goals Goal 1: Increase the number of students with disabilities pursuing postsecondary education at ISU and assist those students to attain educational, personal, and career goals. Goal 1 Goal 4 Goal 2: Foster the engagement of ISU undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty in REGAIN experiential learning, research, and scholarship. Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 3: Expand and diversify revenue sources to support sustainability of REGAIN programs. Goal 5 REGAIN Goals