Marquez Biography and Honor Ideology By Daisy Richmond, Lauren Anderson, Lynzi Svoboda, Noah Swanson, Riley Dotson, Deven Harlan, and Sammie Coffler
Gabriel Garcia Marquez ●Born March 6th, 1927 in Columbia ●Novelist, Short-story writer, Screenwriter, and journalist ●Left law school for journalism ●Studied at National University of Colombia ●1958, married and had two children ●Best Known works ○ One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967), Autumn of the Patriarch (1975), Love in the time of Cholera (1985) ●Popularized ‘Magical Realism’ ●Traveled Southern United States before settling in Mexico ●Years later he went with his family to Spain ●He negotiated between Colombia and smaller organizations
Honor Ideology in Chronicle of a Death Foretold Honor is the reason for Santiago Nasar’s death. o The twins kill him to restore Angela’s honor after Bayardo brings her back to her parents’ house because she’s not a virgin. o Everyone in the town believes that this murder is justified because it was “a matter of honor”. The twins don’t have any punishment for murdering Santiago.
Honor Ideology Quotes “The lawyer stood by the thesis of homicide in legitimate defense of honor, which was upheld by the court in good faith, and the twins declared at the end of the trial that they would have done it again a thousand times over for the same reason.” (48) “‘We killed him openly,’ Pedro Vicario said. ‘but we’re innocent.’” (49)
More Honor Ideology Quotes “...they laid the knives, with clean blades, on Father Amador’s desk.” (48) “‘The strange thing is that the knife kept coming out clean,’ Pedro Vicario declared to the investigator.” (118)
Honor Ideology Symbolism Throughout the novel, the knives used to kill Santiago are described as “clean”, even after they have been used. This symbolizes how the twins and everyone else believed they were innocent and justified in killing Santiago because it was a matter of honor. In this way, the blades were clean-not literally, but figuratively.
The Theme of Honor in the Book Angela Lost her honor by trying to be honorable. Bayardo had to regain his honor by giving Angela back to her family. Pablo and Pedro were determined to restore Honor, and humiliate Santiago the way he ‘humiliated’ their family. o No honor was restored because Santiago was not aware of why he was to die.
Irony of honor Angela’s family wants her to fake losing her virginity so that she does not lose her or the family’s Honor. o She does the ‘honorable’ thing and tells him the truth. In the view of the small Colombian, the Twins would regain the honor by killing Santiago Nasar, o In the ‘modern’ world, this would be way less honorable and logical.
Honor ideology in the Real World The roots of honor date back to the Mediterranean world before the Europeans connected with the Americans. In Latin America, honor has influenced pragmatic meaning, judgment and recall, and response editing. Honor was based on maintaining a good reputation with regard to relationships with others in the community.
Honor ideology in the Real World Cont. “Machismo” The culture of Honor-Based Collectivism like in Latin American Cultures, emphasizes the public nature of self-worth and the need to protect and maintain honor through the positive presentation of oneself to in-group members. Honor in Western countries is related to individual honor, while in countries like Macedonia, Japan, and Israel, honor is rooted more in family honor
Roles of honor for Women and Men Women -More based on their sexual propriety -respect and accepting the authority of men. -Want cooperative classrooms, rather than competitive Men - act with “manliness” (spanish translation, con hombría) - strong, tough, low voice, aggressive, controlling, etc. - control the sexuality of the women and girls that are “his” Most humiliating insult- “Shameless” (either gender)
INTERACTIVE PART! Women’s Honor Roles Men’s Honor Roles Honor Comes From Clean Knives Reason for Santiago’s death March 6th, 1927 Family based honor Individual based honor Mediterranean Latin America Passive Aggressive Not Honorable Honor Japan Marquez’s Date of Birth