Mao Zedong & Communist China By: Raven Cauthen
Biography Mao was born in the Chaochan in Hunan province. Mao was born poorly with no Luxuries. He transformed the medieval backward economy to a modern Nation. Mao launched the Cultural Revolution in attempt to regain control over China. Mao planned to divide China with Japan.
Bibliography "Mao Zedong." History Learning Site. Web. 24 Mar November, Late. "Mao Tse-Tung Killer File." Moreorless - Heroes and Killers of the 20th Century. Web. 24 Mar "BBC - History - Mao Zedong." BBC - Homepage. Web. 24 Mar Mao Zedong." Web. 24 Mar
Great Leap Forward The great leap forward was intended to modernize China into a factory working, self sufficient, and technology using country. Although the intentions of the great leap forward were great, the result of it was 45 million people being killed. The Great Leap Forward began in 1957 and was intended to overcome Britain within 15 years later.
Cultural Revolution The cultural revolution was important because its intentions was to get China back on the track of socialism. It resulted China became a very instable place and many of the country’s artifacts was destroyed. After this Mao was forced to step down from his position Chairman.
Tiananmen Square A massacre happened at the Tiananmen Square. Several hundred of people were killed in by tanks. This protest held by civilians was to protest against democracy.
Chinese Economy The economy was failing because of the mistakes Mao had made. Mao had led the economy down a long and destructive path. It was hard for china to regain economic strength.