Kingwood Park HS - Welcomes - The Class of 2018 The Class of 2018 To new opportunities, responsibilities, challenges and privileges
Kingwood Park High School Principal: Lisa Drabing Associate Principal: Brian Johnson Director of Campus Support: Penne Liefer Counselor/AP House Teams Explorations House: Caren Barnes & Alan Corman Global House: Lisa Mosely & Amy Wallace Green House: Tim Hurlbert & Belinda Zoet Humanities House: Kimberly Young & Wes Soloman Director of Student Support Services: Lesa Pritchard
Academic Lead Teachers English: Cathey Buck Math: Theresa Head Science: Kathleen Goerner Social Studies: Freda Johnson
Transition Planning & Graduation Requirements Caren Barnes & Lisa Mosely K-Park Counselors
Transition to High School Increased expectations Increased expectations Get involved Get involved Social aspects Social aspects See Back of Agenda for “advice to parents” See Back of Agenda for “advice to parents”
The International Baccalaureate Program Often referred to as the IB Program Often referred to as the IB Program For students who are University bound For students who are University bound Students may receive more than 24 college credit hours for courses taken in this program with good test scores Students may receive more than 24 college credit hours for courses taken in this program with good test scores Students can participate in extra-curricular activities – about 90% participate in band, athletics, choir, etc. Students can participate in extra-curricular activities – about 90% participate in band, athletics, choir, etc. IB Program is at Humble High School (parents must provide transportation) IB Program is at Humble High School (parents must provide transportation) IB Diploma Coordinator, at or IB Diploma Coordinator, at or
STAAR End of Course Exams English: English I, English II English: English I, English II Science: Biology Science: Biology Math: Algebra I Math: Algebra I Social Studies: US History Social Studies: US History STAAR will focus on readiness for success in subsequent courses, and ultimately, for college and career readiness.
Graduation Plan Comparison
Endorsement Options STEM Endorsement STEM Endorsement Business & Industry Endorsement Business & Industry Endorsement Public Service Endorsement Public Service Endorsement Arts & Humanities Endorsement Arts & Humanities Endorsement Multi-Disciplinary Endorsement Multi-Disciplinary Endorsement
Career & Technology Clusters: Students take a coherent sequence of courses in the cluster of their desired pathway STEM STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Public Service Public Service Education and Training Education and Training Health Science Health Science Human Services Human Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Safety Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Safety Business & Industry Business & Industry Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Architecture & Construction Art, A/V Technology, and Communications Art, A/V Technology, and Communications Business Management & Administration Business Management & Administration Finance Finance Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality and Tourism Information Technology Information Technology Manufacturing Manufacturing Marketing Marketing Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics
Other Endorsement Options STEM STEM Math Option Math Option Science Option Science Option Business & Industry Business & Industry English Option English Option Public Service Public Service JROTC Option JROTC Option Arts & Humanities Arts & Humanities AP Social Studies Option AP Social Studies Option Foreign Language Option Foreign Language Option Fine Arts Option Fine Arts Option Multi-Disciplinary Multi-Disciplinary Career & Technology Option Career & Technology Option Core Course Option Core Course Option AP Option AP Option
Considerations for Course Selections Student strengths Student strengths Career interests Career interests Post-secondary goals Post-secondary goals
Important resources for the course selection process: Important resources for the course selection process: Parents Parents Teachers Teachers Counselors Counselors Course Selection Guide (Online) Course Selection Guide (Online) NCAA Eligibility Guide - Athletes NCAA Eligibility Guide - Athletes College Admissions Counselors/Websites College Admissions Counselors/Websites
Course Selection Guide (online at KPark under “Our School,” “Counselors”) Graduation Plans Graduation Plans Grade Point Equivalencies Grade Point Equivalencies GPA Explanation GPA Explanation Award of Credit Award of Credit Policies and Procedures Policies and Procedures Recommended Course Placement Recommended Course Placement Course Descriptions Course Descriptions Electives listed by Career Pathways Electives listed by Career Pathways
Course Basics Select enough courses to fill 7 periods Select enough courses to fill 7 periods Use a combination of year-long and/or semester- long courses Use a combination of year-long and/or semester- long courses Consider graduation requirements Consider graduation requirements (foreign language, fine art, PE) (foreign language, fine art, PE) Be aware of grade restrictions Be aware of grade restrictions Verify students do not repeat classes taken in middle school for high school credit Verify students do not repeat classes taken in middle school for high school credit
Course Basics Cont’d… Students earn 0.5 credit for each class they successfully pass each semester Students earn 0.5 credit for each class they successfully pass each semester Students can average to pass to regain credit Students can average to pass to regain credit Ex: 1 st semester = 68 (earns 0 credit) Ex: 1 st semester = 68 (earns 0 credit) 2 nd semester = 72 (earns.5 credit) 2 nd semester = 72 (earns.5 credit) Average for semester = 70 (regain.5 credit from 1 st semester) Average for semester = 70 (regain.5 credit from 1 st semester) Students must earn 6 credits end of Freshman year to be considered a Sophomore Students must earn 6 credits end of Freshman year to be considered a Sophomore
Foreign Language Offerings Spanish Spanish French French American Sign Language American Sign Language
Considerations for PE Athletics Athletics PE Trainer PE Trainer PE classes PE classes Aerobics, Team Sports, Foundations of Personal Fitness, Individual Sports Aerobics, Team Sports, Foundations of Personal Fitness, Individual Sports Cheer (Tryout Required – see Kpark site for dates) Cheer (Tryout Required – see Kpark site for dates) Fall semester of Band Fall semester of Band ROTC ROTC Dance I Dance I Off Campus PE Off Campus PE Introductions to career areas and pre- requisites: Introductions to career areas and pre- requisites: Principles of … Principles of …
Athletic Considerations Athletic Coordinator: Jim Holley Athletic Coordinator: Jim Holley Only one athletic period at a time Only one athletic period at a time (1 st in season should be in Bridges) (1 st in season should be in Bridges) There are tryouts for most sports. There are tryouts for most sports. Some athletic programs begin in the summer. (Ex: Football, Cross Country & Volleyball. Watch our website, athletics page, at end of semester.) Some athletic programs begin in the summer. (Ex: Football, Cross Country & Volleyball. Watch our website, athletics page, at end of semester.) If a student does not make the team, you will be placed in PE. If a student does not make the team, you will be placed in PE. All athletics require a PHYSICAL EXAM every year. All athletics require a PHYSICAL EXAM every year. NCAA Considerations NCAA Considerations
Four Year Plan on Go with your child to Go with your child to (see KMS website, link on front page) (see KMS website, link on front page) Review their choice of career area Review their choice of career area Review their classes selected Review their classes selected Make changes as desired before Feb. 7th Make changes as desired before Feb. 7th
To add/remove courses from your child’s 4 year plan, choose the edit link in the appropriate box. To add/remove courses from your child’s 4 year plan, choose the edit link in the appropriate box. Columns = Grade Level Columns = Grade Level Rows = Subjects Rows = Subjects
Important Dates Feb 7 th – KMS deadline for parent/student course selection input into Feb 7 th – KMS deadline for parent/student course selection input into April – list of course requests will be distributed to students. April – list of course requests will be distributed to students. To make a change: Update Bridges Plan, Print Plan, Submit printout to counselor To make a change: Update Bridges Plan, Print Plan, Submit printout to counselor June 7 th - Final Day for Schedule Change Requests = No elective changes after this date due to teacher staffing June 7 th - Final Day for Schedule Change Requests = No elective changes after this date due to teacher staffing ???s – Send your student’s counselor a message through
Pre-AP & AP Classes Brian Johnson Associate Principal
What is Pre-AP/AP? AP = Advanced Placement AP = Advanced Placement Standards established by College Board Standards established by College Board Earn college credit in high school Earn college credit in high school
Why Take Pre-AP/AP? 4 year college graduation rates 4 year college graduation rates No AP courses: 29% 1 AP course: 45% 2 or more: 61% College Readiness College Readiness Save $ Save $ AVG SAT Scores AVG SAT Scores No AP Courses: 1414 1 or more: 1707
Recommendations 80+ in previous honors course 80+ in previous honors course 90+ in previous level course 90+ in previous level course Start early Start early Know your student Know your student
What is AVID? A program that places students with potential in advanced classes and provides them with critical support. Open to incoming 9th, 10th, and 11th graders All AVID students are required to be in at least one PreAP course while enrolled in the program and will receive elective credit for the AVID course. For more information, please contact Hazel Prescott or AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)
Schedule Change Policy Pre-AP/Honors Exit Request Pre-AP/Honors Exit Request Parent, Student, and Teacher must conference prior to request for level change Parent, Student, and Teacher must conference prior to request for level change Students must attend tutorials and have assignments completed Students must attend tutorials and have assignments completed Students being successful in Pre-AP/Honors classes are strongly encouraged to remain in the course Students being successful in Pre-AP/Honors classes are strongly encouraged to remain in the course
Advisory and Service Learning Carla Atkinson SLC Coordinator
Advisory - “Den” It’s not just about teaching a curriculum; it’s about building relationships!! “No significant learning takes place in the absence of a significant relationship.” Dr. James Comer
Student to Advisor ratio: 20 to 1 9 th Grade Dens; then, Grade level by House. Purpose: To help students grow… Emotionally Socially Academically
Service-Learning Service + Curriculum= Service Learning Personal Fitness class plays softball with residents from Stony Glenn
Benefits of Service-Learning Through service learning programs, students may: Increase motivation and desire to learn Develop responsibility, think critically, make decisions, and solve problems Improve academic knowledge and performance Cultivate self-perception Begin to develop a lifelong commitment to public service and to learning
Annual Day of Service 450 Freshmen 100 Panther Pals 1620 Man Hours of Service 17 Locations = 30 teachers
Student Council Sponsors: Staci Tucker & Regina Garcia
What is Stuco? Student Council is a student-run organization that focuses on promoting school spirit, uniting the student body, providing a service to the school and community, and having FUN! Welcome to the TASC Sweepstakes award winning Kingwood Park STUCO! Past Activities Include… Homecoming Dance and Coronation, Morning Shows, Socials, Disney YES Leadership trip, Red Ribbon Week, Welcome Party, Faculty Breakfast, Fall Convention Future Activities Include… Carnival of Hope, Spring Social, Student/Faculty Basketball Game, Spring Convention, State Convention in Arlington, Disney YES Program in Orlando
Who?All prospective Stuco Members and Parents What? Student Council Orientation Where?KPHS When?TBA – See our website in March Why? This is your first step to learn how to get involved with the most dynamic student-led organization on campus. Get Involved!Make Friends!Make a Difference!
Thank you for being here tonight. We are here to help you in any way we can to ensure your child’s transition into high school is a positive experience!