MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics AFEII for MICE (Front end readout board) Recall: AFEs mount on ether side of the VLPC cass, with fibers going to the VLPCs between them. AFE has 8 identical modules Each module reads 64ch of VLPCs AFEs functions: fast discr (1bit/ch) send to L1 trigger system. If the event looks interesting (to the L1 system!), the AFE can “remember” Q from ~4uS earlier and digitize it for readout Much slower than the discriminators!
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics AFEII for MICE Digital readout vs. Analog readout AFEII two readout paths Digital: Discriminators go over LVDS links More details later Analog: Zero suppressed data from ADCs (addr/data pairs) over a custom parallel link (a.k.a. gray cable) More details later
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics AFEII for MICE AFEII designed for Tevatron not MICE! AFEII two readout paths: L1: 512 discriminator bits/board/132ns L2: (only after an “L1 accept”) reads out ADC 8bits/ch x 512ch (zero supressed) AFEII designed for ~10Khz L1 accept rate at ~5% deadtime => 10uS per event time budget
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics AFEII for MICE Fiber tracker: why analog at all? Better quality data ADCs data can be corrected for common mode ADCs can correct for ch-to-ch variation But watch out for zero supression! For Dzero, can use to improve resolution
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics AFEII for MICE Digital readout details: LVDS here means a specific chip set from TI SN65LVDS95 53Mhz) 20 bits + 1 “frame” bit sent over 4 UTP pairs (3 signal + 53 * 7 = 371 Mhz Frame bit sent once every 7 * 18.8ns = 132ns 4 LVDS links/board = 1/pair of modules (10bits per module) Data rate = 53Mhz * 20 * 4 = 4.24 Gbps
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics AFEII for MICE Analog readout details: Custom bi-directional parallel link between the Sequencer and the AFE 8 data bits + data valid per AFE Max data rate = 53 * 8 = 424 Mbps Digitization: 2 dual ADCs/64 ch module=16 ch/ADC ADC max 10Mhz => 16 * 100ns = 1.6uS Tot: ~2us + ~40ns / hit ch= ~21us max
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Mice beam structure ~600 muons in 850 uS Long enough between pulses = for DAQ Analog readout: depends on occupancy If FULL readout, can do about ~40 during spill Digital readout: can keep up Still not 100% live time: need resets AFEII for MICE us
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Mice readout Analog readout for MICE Two options: 1.the full Dzero system -Sequncer (SEQ) and sequencer controller (SEQC) (and crate! 9U custom backplane…) - VME Receiver Buffer (VRB) and VRB controller (VRBC) (and another 9U crate!) - must talk to SEQ/SEQC/VRB/VRBC so need 1553 interface as well AFEII for MICE
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Mice readout (cont.) Analog readout for MICE Two options: 2.the StandAlone Sequencer (SASeq) +used in the MICE cosmic test -rather slow… AFEII for MICE
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Analog readout for MICE + tons of experience from Dzero + AFEII designed to work this way + know how to trigger, sync board to board, etc. - need time to digitize! ~ maybe beam structure can be chosen to make this mode work better? 600mu/1ms => 600KHz L1 accept rate! AFEII for MICE
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Mice readout Digital readout for MICE + fast + very simple - need a receiver… more detail below - no detailed analog info ~ not for use with AFEII-t (not a problem!) AFEII for MICE
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Digital readout for MICE Need a new board! Receive LVDS, store into FIFO, interface to VME But How to get clock to boards? How to get trigger to board? Can still use the gray cable! (w/SASeq) AFEII for MICE
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Need new board Very simple 6U VME Should be easy to design and build! Cost=$1K/board 1 board/AFE AFEII for MICE FPGA LVDS VME I/F SRAM
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Hybrid option On the AFEII, there is a path from FPGA to LVDS Can readout analog information via LVDS Still need the digitize time =~1.6 to 2 us But can readout as fast as digitize AFEII for MICE
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics Analog readout Maybe 40 events/pulse (if 850uS pulse!) Digital readout Trade live time vs. overlaps (2K events/pulse) Min integration window ~50ns, max=anything! Reset time ~40ns Need to design and build a new board! Not really an option for MICE since MICE will use AFE IIt Time stamp for hits – TAC – need analog output Hybrid readout ADC thru LVDS (400 events/pulse) Still need the new board! AFEII for MICE summary
MICE Fiber Tracker Electronics AFE II for MICE D0 is starting work on an ADC LVDS interface board This will likely work for MICE and be the preferred readout Data rates exceeding 600 muons/sec are therefore possible with 3 Hz RF 3 Hz is appears to be doable and for DAQ considerations is preferred over 1 Hz operation