Khaled A. Al-Utaibi
Digital Vs Analog Signals Converting an Analog Signal to a Digital One Reading Analog Sensors with the Arduino The TMP36 Temperature Sensor Interfacing The TMP36 Sensor Reading The TMP36 Sensor Temperature Sensor Example
Digital electrical signals have just two discrete levels: HIGH (5V) and LOW (0V) In Arduino, we used the following functions to deal with digital signals: − digitalWrite(pin, HIGH) to set a pin HIGH, − digitalWrite(pin, LOW) to set a pin LOW, and − digitalRead(pin) to determine whether a digital pin had a voltage applied to it (HIGH) or not (LOW). Figure 1: Analog Vs digital signals
Analog electrical signals have continuous range of values These signals can vary with an indefinite number of steps between HIGH and LOW values. In Arduino, HIGH is closer to 5V and LOW is closer to 0V. In Arduino, we can use the function analogRead(pin) to read analog signals This function will return a number between 0 and 1023 in proportion to the voltage applied to the analog pin. Figure 1: Analog Vs digital signals
It is common to convert analog signals into digital signals in order to allow for efficient transmission and processing of these signals. To convert an Analog signal into a digital one, some loss of accuracy is inevitable since digital systems can only represent a finite discrete set of values. The process of conversion is known as Digitization or Quantization. Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) are used to produce a digitized signals. Digital-to-analog Converters (DAC) are used to regenerate analog signals from their digitized signals.
We can use the Arduino ADC pins to convert analog voltage values into number representations that we can work with. The accuracy of an ADC is determined by the resolution. In the case of the Arduino Uno, there is a 10-bit ADC for doing your analog conversions. “10-bit” means that the ADC can subdivide (or quantize) an analog signal into 2 10 =1024 different values. Hence, the Arduino can assign a value from 0 to 1023 for any analog value that you give it.
The default reference voltage of the Arduino ADC is 5V. The reference voltage determines the maximum voltage that you are expecting, and, therefore, the value that will be mapped to So, with a 5V reference voltage, putting − 0V on an ADC pin returns a value of 0, − 2.5V returns a value of 512 (half of 1023), and − 5V returns a value of 1023.
To better understand what’s happening here, consider what a 3-bit ADC would do, as shown in Figure 2. − A 3-bit ADC has 3 bits of resolution. − Because 2 3 =8, there are 8 total logic levels, from 0 to 7. − Therefore, any analog value that is passed to a 3-bit ADC will have to be assigned a value from 0 to 7. − Looking at Figure 2, you can see that voltage levels are converted to discrete digital values that can be used by the microcontroller. − The higher the resolution, the more steps that are available for representing each value. − In the case of the Arduino Uno, there are 1024 steps rather than the 8 shown here.
Figure 2: 3-bit analog quantization
Different Arduinos have different numbers of analog input pins, but you read them all the same way, using the analogRead() command. The analogRead() function reads the value from the specified analog pin. − Syntax: analogRead(pin) − Parameters: pin: the number of the analog pin you want to read (int). − Return: int (0 to 1023) − Note: If the analog input pin is not connected to anything, the value returned by analogRead() will fluctuate based on a number of factors (e.g. the values of the other analog inputs, how close your hand is to the board, etc.).
The TMP36 temperature sensor (Figure 3) has the following characteristics: − Provides a voltage range from -40 o C to +125 o C. − Provide typical accuracies of ±2°C. − Provides a voltage output that is linearly proportional to the Celsius (centigrade) temperature. − Provides a 750mV output at 25°C. − Provides a 500mV output at 0 o C. − Has an output scale factor of 10mV/°C (every 10mV corresponds to 1 o C). Figure 3: TMP36
The TMP36 temperature sensor can be easily interfaced to the Arduino bard as shown in the following Figure 4. Figure 4: Interfacing the TMP36 to the Arduino board.
The Arduino uses ADC to read the output of the TMP36 sensor as shown Figure 5. We can determine the temperature as follows: − (1) Convert the integer value generated by the ADC to voltage (in mV) to determine the input voltage Vin: V IN = DAC OUT x (V REF x 1000)/1024 V REF = 5V = 5x1000 mV = 5000 mV Every division of the 1024 DAC output represents 5000/1024=4.88mV − (2) Convert input voltage V IN to the corresponding temperature (in o C): T IN = (V IN – 500)/10 We subtract 500 from V IN because the TMP36 provides 50mV output at 0 o C. We divide by 10 because every 10mV corresponds to 1 o C.
Figure 5: Reading the TMP36 sensor.
Interface the TMP36 sensor to the Arduino board as in Figure 4. Then, write a program to read the input voltage from the TMP36 and displays the corresponding temperature on on the Arduino environment’s built-in serial monitor.
int DACout;// DAC output int A0 = 0;// Analog input A0 double Vref = 5.0;// reference voltage of the DAC double Vin;// input voltage from the TMP36 double Tin;// corresponding input temperature public void setup(){ // initialize and start the serial port Serial.begin(9600); } public void loop(){ // read the DAC output corresponding to analog input A0 DACout = analogRead(A0); // compute the input voltage received from TMP36 Vin = DACout * (Vref * )/1024.0; // compute the corresponding input temperature Tin = (Vin ) / 10.0; // display the temperature on the serial port Serial.println(Tin); }