AD Converter UNIT 19 로봇 SW 교육원 조용수
학습 목표 AD Converter AD Converter Register 2
Analog-Digital Converter 아날로그 신호를 디지털로 변환시키는 기능 일정한 Sampling Rate 로 신호를 읽어서, 해당 값을 정해진 단계 ( 분해능 : Resolution) 로 표시하는 기능 Resolution 이 높을수록 정밀성이 높아진다. Sampling Rate 가 빠를 수록 표현 가능한 주파수가 높아진다. 3
N051 ADC 4 12-bit resolution and 10-bit accuracy is guaranteed Analog input voltage range: –0~AVDD(Max to 5.0V). Operation voltage: –AVDD=3.0V~5.5V; Input channel: –Up to 8 single-end analog input channels –4 pairs of differential analog input channel. Up to 760KHz conversion rate. The maximum ADC operating frequency is 16M Hz Four operation modes –Single mode –Burst mode –Single-cycle mode –Continuous scan mode
N051 ADC 5 An A/D conversion can be started by –Software trigger –External trigger pin (STADC pin) –PWM trigger with optional start delay period (M05xxDN/DE only) Conversion results are held in data registers for each cha nnel with VALID and OVERRUN indicators. 2 sets of digital compare function. Channel 7 support 3 input sources: –external analog voltage –internal bandgap voltage –Internal temperature sensor output
Single Mode A/D conversion is to be performed only once on t he specified single channel. If software enables more than one channel in sin gle mode, only the lowest channel will be convert ed and the other enabled channels will be ignore d. 6
Burst Mode 7 Channel2 Channe2 7 Channel2
Single-Cycle Scan Mode 8 Channel0 Channel2Channel3 Channel7
Continuous Scan Mode 9 Channel0 Channel2 Channel3Channel7 Channel0 Channel2
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