BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [1] A Unified SPICE Compatible Model for Large and Small Signal Envelope Simulation of Linear Circuits Excited by Modulated Signals Simon Lineykin and Sam Ben-Yaakov* Power Electronics Laboratory Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ben-Gurion University of the Negev P. O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, ISRAEL Phone: , Fax: Website:
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [2] Power System Driven by a modulated signal
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [3] Example 1: a Resonant Network Excited by a Modulated Signal
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [4] Example 2: Electronic Ballast
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [5] A Primer to Envelope Simulation Any analog modulated signal (AM, FM or PM) can be described by the following expression: The Current in the network excited by u(t):
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [6] Phasor Analysis Inductance
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [7] Phasor Analysis Capacitance Resistance
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [8] Splitting the Network into Two Cross-Coupled Components - Imaginary and Real
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [9] Real Load Component Imaginary Load Component Splitting the Network into Two Cross-Coupled Components - Imaginary and Real
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [10] Simulation Alternatives Cycle-by-cycle (full simulation) High and low frequencies Very long simulation Only transient AC transfer function -> point-by-point Envelope simulation (Large Signal -Previous study) Only low frequency Only transient AC transfer function -> point-by-point
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [11] Example: Piezoelectric Transformer Driven by FM Signal (SPICE)
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [12] Example: Piezoelectric Transformer Driven by FM Signal (SPICE)
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [13] Example: Piezoelectric Transformer Driven by FM Signal (SPICE)
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [14] Example: Piezoelectric Transformer Driven by FM Signal (SPICE) - Harmonic modulating signal
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [15] Example: Piezoelectric Transformer Driven by FM Signal (SPICE)
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [16] OrCAD Schematics for Envelope Simulation (Large Signal)
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [17] Results of Full and Envelope Transient Simulations The modulating input signal The Frequency modulated signal Output signal Cycle-by-cycle Envelope
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [18] Objectives of this Study To extend the envelope simulation method to AC analysis A method that would not need an analytical derivation Same model compatible with DC, AC, and Transient analysis types
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [19] Proposed Method – Small Signal Analysis Using AC–Simulation Amplitude modulation The source is linear and suitable for AC analysis – as is phasorphasor
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [20] =Ac*kp*u(t) Small signal Linearization of Sources for Angle Modulation Phase Modulation PM – Nonlinear source Linear source =Ac Small signal phasorphasor
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [21] Linear source Linearization of Sources for Angle Modulation Frequency Modulation FM – Nonlinear source =Ac Small signal =Ac*kp* u(t)dt Small signal phasorphasor
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [22] Results: Piezoelectric Transformer Driven by FM signal (AC and Point-by-Point) for Different Carrier Frequencies
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [23] Results: Piezoelectric Transformer Driven by FM signal (AC and Point-by-Point) for Different Carrier Frequencies
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [24] Frequency Response of the Network (unmodulated input signal) using DC-sweep DC-sweep in envelope simulation is equivalent to frequency sweep in full simulation The parameter of DC sweep is a carrier frequency f c The source for DC sweep:
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [25] Example: Frequency Response of Piezoelectric Transformer with Different Resistive Loads
BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY OF THE NEGEV PESC’03 [26] Conclusions Envelope simulation method was extended to cover all simulation types: Transient, AC, DC. Method is suitable for any linear circuit. Method is also suitable for nonlinear circuits that can be linearized for small signal.