Anxiety is a state of emotional arousal. WHAT IS ANXIETY?
Feelings: of tension apprehension, dread and an expectation of not being able to cope Behavioural responses: such as avoidance of a feared situation, impaired speech, dysfunctional movements and difficulty completing complex tasks requiring mental effort and attention Physiological responses: including muscle tension, increased heart rate, blood pressure, rapid breathing, dry mouth, nausea and diarrhoea BASIC COMPONENTS OF ANXIETY
Anxiety is a normal part of our lives. All people feel anxious from time to time and in moderate degrees. In everyday life, anxiety is an adaptive response. ANXIETY IN OUR DAY TO DAY LIVES
Anxiety disorders are characterised by chronic feelings of tension, distress, nervousness and apprehension or fear about the future, with a negative effect. ANXIETY DISORDERS
Can be linked to a single event The development or onset of anxiety disorders is not simply explained by one event or factor alone In most cases, a number of factors combine in influencing onset These factors include Biological and Psychological Certain personality traits have been found to be common among people with anxiety disorders CAUSES OF ANXIETY DISORDERS
A significant event which has triggered a severe emotional response Biological factors such as brain chemistry and the presence of certain genes may create a pathway for certain anxiety disorders Psychological factors such as childhood experience and learning processes SPECIFIC CAUSES
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) Anti-anxiety medications TREATMENT FOR ANXIETY DISORDERS
Generalised anxiety disorders Panic disorder Phobia Obsessive compulsive disorder Post traumatic stress disorder TYPES OF ANXIETY DISORDERS
Females are more likely to experience it than males. 2.5 million individuals, or about 14.4% of the Australian population have experienced an anxiety disorder In the ABS survey, 32% of females indicated they had an anxiety disorder at sometime in their life compared with 20% of males OTHER INTERESTING FACTS