Mental and Emotional Problems By: Jazman Irizarry & Jacquelyn Teal
Dealing With Depression And Anxiety Anxiety: the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen Gives of feelings of worry, insecurity, fear, self-consciousness, also panic Planning ahead on stress-management can help decrease in stress which can cause anxiety Depression: a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, And sadness Depression may also lead to medical help Teenagers are more prone to having depression Depression can last for weeks, or months which is also known as Major Depression
Causes & Effects of Depression Many things can cause depression such as: psychological Social contact Medical illness, etc. Can be one of the main reasons depression begins. Depression can change the way people : think, feel, & their behavior 1.People have trouble concentrating and making decisions 2.People may experience apathy or a lack of strong feeling, interest, or concern 3.People may become emotional, also begin to eat a lot more or a lot less
Causes of Anxiety The exact cause of generalized anxiety disorder is not fully known, but a number of factors-including genetics, brain chemistry and environmental stressors-appear to contribute to its development. Some research suggests that family history can play a part in increasing the chances that a person will develop chronic anxiety. This would mean that the tendency to develop generalized anxiety disorder may be passed on from generation to generation within a family. Generalized anxiety disorder has been associated with abnormal levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are special chemical messengers that help move information between nerve cells. If the neurotransmitters are out of balance, messages cannot travel through the brain properly. This can alter the way the brain perceives and reacts to certain situations, leading to anxiety. Traumatic experiencesTraumatic experiences, such as abuse, neglect, chaotic environments, the death of a loved one, divorce, changing jobs or schools, may trigger generalized anxiety disorder in predisposed women. Generalized anxiety disorder can also become worse during periods of stress.
Breaking Down Anxiety video /breaking-down-anxiety- disorders/#sp=show-clips
Effects of Anxiety ● The life of someone suffering with an anxiety disorder is plagued by a constant state of worry, fear and dread. ● interferes with daily functioning, including work, school, social activities and relationships. ● Chronic anxiety disorders frequently occurs alongside drug abuse,anorexia nervosa, bulimia, or other eating disorders, and can be tightly interwoven with those illnesses.drug abuseanorexia nervosa bulimia ● Some women attempt to self-medicate through the use of drugs, alcohol, food, or even self-mutilation
Mental Disorders Mental disorder: an illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of a person Types of Mental Disorders: 1.Anxiety Disorder 2.Impulse Disorder 3.Conduct Disorder, etc. Theses disorders cause people to become weak in person life and prohibits people from living their lives
● Anxiety Disorder: a condition in which real or imagined fears are difficult to control -Most COMMON DISORDER in teens ● Some of the common Anxiety Disorders are: 1.Phobia 2.Panic Disorder 3.Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 4.Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, etc. Impulsive Control Disorder:
Mental Disorder Video
Eating Disorders ● occurs after ten years of depression ● Due to this disorder teens develop: 1.symptoms of anorexia nervosa 2.bulimia nervosa 3.binge eating disorder ❖ Eating Disorders mostly occur to young teenage girls ❖ boys may also get an eating disorder but it also every rare
Eating Disorder Commercial
Mood Disorder: is an illness that involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living ● Bipolar Disorder & depression are the first signs of a mood disorder ● Bipolar Disorder or manic-depression disorder are makes of extreme mood change, energy levels,& behavior Conduct Disorder: engage in patterns of behavior in which the right of others or basic social rules are violated - Examples: stealing, arson, cruelty, etc. ● Treatments include learning to adapt to the demands of everyday life
Schizophrenia: a mental disorder in which a person loses contact with the reality ● Schizophrenia affects at least 1% of the worlds population -unlike other disorders Schizophrenia affect both men and women ● People who suffer with this disorder can behave unpredictably ● this disorder can only get properly treated with medical help
Personality Disorder ❖ most common in teenagers ❖ teens who develop this disorder cannot regulate their emotions properly ❖ feeling distressed in social situations or may behave in ways that are distressed to others may occur
Suicide Prevention: ●Suicide: is the act of intentionally taking one`s own life ●Alienation: feelings isolated and separated from everyone ●Cluster Suicider: a series of suicide occurring within a short period of time and involving several people in the same school or community -90% of people are suffering from these certain depressions
Getting Help ● Many people/teens can not recognize when they need to look for help ● Signs of people needing help help are: -feeling trapped or worried all the time -feeling the affect sleepy, eating habits, school work or job performance, & relationships People that don’t get help right away after months of depression & anxiety etc.It can aggressively get worse within days/weeks.
Treatment Methods: - Psychotherapy: an ongoing dialogue between a patient and a mental health professional -Behavior Therapy: a treatment process that focuses on changing unwanted behaviors through rewards and reinforcements -Cognitive Therapy: a treatment method designed to identify and correct distorted thinking patterns that can lead to feelings and behavior that may be troublesome
Bibliography ➢ personality/anxiety/signs-effects personality/anxiety/signs-effects ➢ ➢
QUIZ 1.What is Anxiety ? 2.True or False: Depression is most prone to teenagers ? 3.What are three things Depression can change about a person ? 4.What is a type of Mental Disorder ? 5.What is the most common disorder for teenagers ? 6.True or False: Mood Disorders can affect daily life ? 7.What percentage does Schizophrenia affect the population ? 8.What is the definition of Suicide in your own words ? 9.What is 1 out of 3 of the treatment methods ? 10.Do you think mental and emotional health is a big problem or not ? Why or why not ?
Warm Ups 1. Does anyone you know have anxiety? Have they told you about it? 2. Would you be willing to offer someone help if they needed it? How would you help them?