What is Marijuana? A green or gray mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leavers of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. Contains more than 400 chemicals, including most of the harmful substances found in tobacco. The active ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), which is responsible for its mind altering effects. THC starts a series of cellular reactions that lead to the high that is experienced when smoking marijuana. The more THC, the more potent and dangerous the “weed”. Marijuana is usually smoked in a cigarette, pipe, or “blunt”, but also may be mixed in food or brewed as a tea.
Street Names Mary Jane Weed Chronic Reefer Pot Grass Boom Gangster Bud Ganja Hash Hydro Mary Jane
Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use Problems with memory and learning Distorted perception Difficulty with thinking and problem solving Loss of coordination Increased heart rate Increased anxiety Panic Attacks Red, bloodshot eyes Dry mouth (cotton mouth) Hunger (the munchies) Paranoia Increased tolerance Burnout Amotivational Syndrome
Health Effects Weakened immune system Increased risk of lung or oral cancer Frequent chest colds and pneumonia Chronic bronchitis Infertility Heightened risk of lung infections High risk of development of cancer of the head or neck Damage to short term memory Can lead to addiction
Effects on Learning and Social Behavior Depression Anxiety Personality disturbances Impaired memory and learning Lower grades Negative attitudes towards school
Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms: Disruptions in mood Increase in anxiety Increase in depression Increase in restlessness Anxiety Difficulty sleeping
Facts about Marijuana It is the most widely used illegal drug in the United States. In 2006, 97.8 million Americans aged 12 and older tried marijuana at least once in their lifetimes. Smoking one marijuana cigarette deposits approximately four times the amount of tar into the lungs than a filtered tobacco cigarette. It is an addictive drug with significant health consequences. It is considered a “gateway” drug, leading to the use of other illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroine. Being in a room with marijuana smoke can cause a “contact high” from just breathing. A charge of marijuana possession can carry a very expensive fine and imprisonment. It affects many safe skills required for safe driving: alertness, concentration, coordination, and reaction time.