Managing Complex Change Principals’ Meeting January 27, 2015
Purpose To examine processes of complex change Learning Objectives To help principals identify the components and processes of change To assist principals in assessing the condition and climate of schools
Components of a change strategy VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Results/Change adapted from Ambrose, Managing Complex Change
What happens when a component is missing? VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Results/Change VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Confusion VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Anxiety VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Resistance VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Frustration VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= False start adapted from Ambrose, Managing Complex Change
Vision Vision = A compelling future state which provides direction and a sense of unity - What is the vision? Lack of Vision = Leaves people feeling confused “Why?” “What are they thinking?” “Here we go again!” VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Confusion
Skills Skills = The ability to do something well and with a level of expertise - Does the team have those skills? Lack of Skills or Training = Without the skills, or the promise of skills from a source we trust, we will feel anxiety… “I can’t!” “I don’t know how.” “Will there be a place for me?” VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Anxiety
Incentive Incentive = A thing that motivates or encourages one to do something - What’s in it for me? Lack of Incentive = Why do the work if there is no value, no consensus is built. “Don’t waste our time!” “I just want to do the job, not deal with all this…” VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Resistance
Resources Resources = A stock or supply of money, materials, staff or other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively - What do I have to work with? Lack of Resources = Without the physical and emotional resources to accomplish the change people will be frustrated “They ask the world and give us nothing to work with.” “How can they expect us to do…?” VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Frustration
Action Plan Plan = A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something- Do we have a clear, manageable, measurable plan? Lack of a Plan = Without a plan it is impossible to gain traction “We keep talking but nothing is happening” “We are going in circles.” VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= False start
In the context of CLIP, where are we as a district? VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Results/Change VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Confusion VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Anxiety VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Resistance VisionSkillsIncentiveResourcesAction Plan ++++= Frustration VisionSkillsIncentiveResources Action Plan ++++= False start adapted from Ambrose, Managing Complex Change
Taking Stock Reflection Time Do we have the ideal conditions for change? What do I need? Bridge to Practice- Forward Focus
So…what do you think? “Too often, students of all ages come to class struggling with life challenges that can interfere with instruction, impede achievement, and undermine school climate. Preventing or remedying such barriers is critical to school success.” -National Association of School Psychologists, August 2008 “If you want to bring about a fundamental change in people’s belief and behavior, a change that will persist and serve as an example to others, you need to create a community around them, where those new beliefs can be practiced, expressed and nurtured.” Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point