1 Lecture 23a Cultural dimension: What is Different is Dangerous Luis San Andres Mast-Childs Tribology Professor Texas A&M University April 21, 2011 ME 489 Practices of Modern Engineering
2 Lecture Date: Today Cultural dimensions The avoidance of uncertainty – What is different is dangerous Assignments & reading: Other: complete ONE MINUTE PAPER
3 Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede The tolerance to the ambiguous and unpredictable All humans have to face the fact that we do not know what will happen tomorrow: the future is uncertain, but we have to live with it anyway.
4 Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Extreme ambiguity causes intolerable anxiety. Every society has developed ways to alleviate the anxiety. Technology – avoids uncertainty from nature Laws and rules – prevent uncertainties in behavior from other people Religion – a control of the future - transcends beyond mortality
5 Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Uncertainty is a feeling, a subjective experience! Anxiety is a diffuse “state of being uneasy or worried about what may happen.” It is NOT fear, which has an object. We are afraid of something, but anxiety has no object.
6 Uncertainty Avoidance Index Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede The extent to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations Anxious cultures tend to be expressive cultures: places where people talk with their hands, raise voices, showing emotion, pounding, etc. In weak UAI countries, anxiety levels are low. Aggressions and emotions are not shown (stress cannot be released easily)
7 Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede dimensions Uncertainty Avoidance Map
8 Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Uncertainty Avoidance Index for 74 countries Country SCORE RANK Less strong strong Country SCORE RANK Most Latin- American and Mediterranean countries
9 Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Uncertainty Avoidance Index for 74 countries Country SCORE RANK weak Less strong Country SCORE RANK Most G-7 countries (developed) Singapore is a surprise Happiest countries Arab countries UAI: 68
10 Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Uncertainty Avoidance vs. Masculinity Masculinity Uncertainty Index femininemasculine weak strong
11 Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Uncertainty Avoidance vs. Individualism Uncertainty Individualism (IDIV) individualism weak collectivist strong
12 Key Differences Uncertainty Avoidance Health & Education Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Weak UAI Strong UAI
13 Key Differences Uncertainty Avoidance Shopping Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Weak UAI Strong UAI
14 Key Differences Uncertainty Avoidance Workplace & Organization Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Weak UAI Strong UAI
15 Key Differences Uncertainty Avoidance Organization & Motivation Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Weak UAI Strong UAI
16 Key Differences Uncertainty Avoidance The citizen Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Weak UAI Strong UAI
17 Key Differences Uncertainty Avoidance The State Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Weak UAI Strong UAI
18 Key Differences Uncertainty Avoidance Tolerance, Religion & Ideas Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind By Geert Hofstede and Gert Jan Hofstede Weak UAI Strong UAI
19 Practices of Modern Engineering © Luis San Andres Texas A&M University
20 Questions? Next lecture