An Evidence-Based Program to Effectively Treat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder June 17, 2008 Gunter Chasse, Oberstleutnant a.D. Alarik Arenander, PhD
PTBS Re-experiencing phenomena Hyperarousal Avoidance behavior
3 PTBS “Overwhelmed” Prefrontal shutdown Brewin, Prog Brain Res, 2008
4 BRAIN DYSFUNCTION Hypoactivation of mPFC Hyperactivation of amygdala Hyperactivation of hippocampus? Brewin, Prog Brain Res, 2008
Liberzon & Sripada, Prog Brain Res, 2008 Key Components of PTBS NegativeCorrelation
6 PTBS Persistence of symptoms Adaptation & plasticity Complex pathways Case uniqueness
7 18.5%: PTSD or depression (300k) 19.5 %: TBI (330k) 50% seek help 50% get minimal care Evidence-based treatment lacking High economic & human loss Rand Center for Military Health Policy, MG-720-CCF, 2008 Invisible Wounds American Veterans
Prefrontal Cortex Executive Control Center
The brain is plastic
Coherence uniquely supports rehabilitation
DoingDoing BeingBeing TMTM
Post-Vietnam Rehabilitation Random assignment TM vs psychotherapy 18 Ss, voluntary Demographics, 33 yrs 9 dependent variables 3 month treatment Brooks & Scarano, J Couns Develop, 1985
Measures PTSD symptoms Anxiety Depression S/A Insomnia Employment Family life Brooks & Scarano, J Couns Develop, 1985
Post-Vietnam Rehabilitation Psychotherapy: no change TM: 8 variables improved TM: 7/10 no longer needed services of VAMC Brooks & Scarano, J Couns Develop, 1985
Personal Experience Brooks & Scarano, J Couns Develop, 1985 “I feel after I meditate that I no longer have the same intensity of tension, rage, and guilt inside — it’s as if a huge burden has been lifted.” — Vietnam Vet
Brainwave Coherence TM
NeuromuscularFlexibilityNeuromuscularFlexibility Self-AwarenessSelf-Awareness LearningAbilityLearningAbility DecreasedAnxietyDecreasedAnxiety Self-DevelopmentSelf-Development InnerOrientationInnerOrientation MoralReasoningMoralReasoning ConceptLearningConceptLearning EmotionalStabilityEmotionalStability DecreasedNeuroticismDecreasedNeuroticism IntelligenceIntelligence ComputationalEfficiencyComputationalEfficiency CreativityCreativity BrainwaveCoherenceBrainwaveCoherence
TMPMRSBF RABF RABF SM + relaxation * ** Blood Pressure Change Scores Rainforth M, Schneider R, Nidich S, et al: Current Hypertension Reports [9] , 2007 A Meta-analysis of Stress Reduction Programs: High Blood Pressure * p =.0002 * p =.0002 ** p =.02
Summary Upgrading Brain Integration to Improve Rehabilitation
TM Improves Rehabilitation PTSD Corrections Substance abuse Traumatic brain injury
Brain Integration Coherence Experience Improved Rehab Brain Plasticity
Evidence-based Easy to implement, learn Produces desired results Changes rapid & holistic High Compliance Cost-effective Complementary Culture neutral Why use?
Contact Alarik Arenander, PhD Gunter Chasse, Oberstleutnant a.D