1 Samuel 12:19-25
Measuring Success Materially? Mk. 12:41-44 (Mk. 8:36) Militarily? Psa. 33:16-17 (18-19) Monetarily? Prov. 11:4 (3, 5-6) God’s approval? Josh. 1:8-9 Righteous life is a successful life; it is the only success that lasts into eternity! Prov. 10:1-7; Matt. 25:21, 23 2 Sinful foolishness guarantees failure!
Benefits of industry, Prov. 6:6-8 Pain and trouble of laziness, Prov. 6:9-11; 26:13-16 Excuses instead of solutions, 26:13 “Practice makes perfect”, 26:14 Gluttonous ingratitude (indulgent thanklessness), 26:15 Pride, 26:16 3
Always Blame Somebody Else! Never take responsibility…for anything! Whenever possible respond…“It’s not my fault!” Eve and Adam, Gen. 3:10-13 Excuses for not coming to the Lord, Lk. 14:15-20, 24 On the Day of Judgment we will only have ourselves to blame, 2 Cor. 5:10 (Rom. 2:5-6) 4
Always Have an Excuse! We live in an ENTITLEMENT society in which there are many VICTIMS with many EXCUSES ! Sin is a choice we make; a practice, Rom. 5:12; Eph. 2:1-3 Individual responsibility is the Bible model, 1 Sam. 15:13-15 (9); Deut. 24:16; Ezek. 18:4 5
Refuse to Change! Motto: Keep doing what you’ve always done so that you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got! Hardness of heart, Prov. 28:13-14 Storing up wrath due to a hardened, unrepentant heart, Rom. 2:4-6, 8-9 6
Do Not Pray! Never, EVER!, access the one source of power, love, mercy and forgiveness that could turn your life around. Faithful Christians are assured our prayers are heard and answered: Success over anxiety, Phil. 4:6-7 Success over temptation and trials, Heb. 4:15-16 (Matt. 26:36-46) Success over sin (with repentance), Acts 8:22-24 Fervent prayers of the righteous succeed! Jas. 5:16-18 Must always pray and not lose heart, Lk. 18:1 7
Five Ingredients for Failure Guaranteed! Procrastinate Always blame somebody else Always have an excuse Refuse to change Do not pray FINALLY… 8 Forget you ever read / heard this! James 1:21-25 Forget you ever read / heard this! James 1:21-25