Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users Judy Levi, Senior Product Analyst Olybris, Ex Libris Seminar 2005 Kos, April 2005
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 2 Agenda Introduction Staff Users and Privileges Patron Sharing – Interactive ALEPH Patron Sharing – Batch Jobs Technical details
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 3 Introduction – Why? A group of libraries can band together for cooperation on various levels, and for various reasons, some of which follow: Common catalog (union) Resource sharing (patron empowerment) Common collection development Cooperative cataloging However, each institution wants to: Remain an independent financial and management unit. Maintain control over its data.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 4 Introduction – What? Problem: Achieve ADM independence and control. Shared Oracle® tables Shared Configuration tables Solution: The ADM level has been added to Oracle® records. S taff privileges Patrons Solution: Configuration tables were moved from ALEPH to ADM, and from BIB to ADM.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 5 Staff User Privileges – ADM Control Problem: Define the libraries that constitute an ADM environment. Solution: PAS line in the./alephe/library_relation configuration table defines the ALEPH libraries that are included in the environment of a single ADM library. PAS USM50 USM01 USM10 USM60 USM20 USM30 USR00 PAS USM51 USM01 USM10 USM60 USR00
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 6 Staff User Privileges – ADM control PAS USM50 USM01 USM10 USM60 USM20 USM30 USR00 PAS USM51 USM01 USM10 USM60 USR00 User library = USM50 User can be assigned permissions in USM01, etc. User library = USM51 User can be assigned permissions in USM01, etc.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 7 User Privileges – Organization Levels ALEPH/ALEPH SUPER Admin ADM Admin
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 8 User Privileges – Organization Levels User Library – ADMIN or ADM library environment in which the user is assigned privileges ADMIN – empowered for all libraries; “hidden” value is not listed in the dropdown menu. ADM – empowered for libraries within the ADM environment.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 9 Staff User Privileges – ADMIN User – ADMIN user
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 10 Staff User Privileges – ADM User
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 11 Staff Privileges – Create ADM Administrator Log in as ALEPH New user for ADM administrator User Library = ADM library (e.g. USM51) Access Rights pw_library (e.g. USR00) “Staff Privileges (Passwords) / Global”
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 12 Staff Privileges – Use ADM Administrator Log in as the ADM User Create User User Library can only be USM51 “OWN” assignments are from USM51 Budgets are from environment library Order Units/Sub libraries are from environment library
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 13 Patron Records Physical Organization Global patron record + addresses + indexes are stored in the usr_library (e.g., USR00). Local patron is stored in library (e.g., USM50, USM51), although local patron can be stored in usr_library, through LS in file_list (common ALEPH record). Logical Organization Each ADM library can define whether its patron records are shared or not.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 14 Patron Records – Structure Z303, Z304, Z308, Z353 are in usr_library. Z305 is assumed to be local, and is in library’s file_list. Each ADM library can define whether its patron records are shared or not; all IDs must be unique. Z353 is new table that improves the Patron List “Local patrons Only” response time, and was created by p_cir_25 (for all or for a single ADM library).
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 15 Non-shared Patrons Options for user sharing / non-sharing are set in the ADM library’s tab100. Therefore, setup options are specific to a library environment. Non-shared patrons can use same alternate key (barcode) but must use a different internal-ID. The Patron List display depends on its connected library.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 16 tab100 and Patrons USER-SHARING Are the library’s patrons shared with other ADMs? USER-PERMISSION Who can update the global (Z303) record? Controlled by home library, or by local library registration. USER-IDS-PERMISSION Who can view the additional IDs (Z308) record? Controlled by local library registration. USER-ADDR-PERMISSION Who can update the address (Z308) records? Controlled by home library, or by local library registration.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 17 tab100 and Patrons USER-HOME-PERMISSION (v.17) Based on the Patron’s Home Library, system-wide control of update for: Global record Addresses Additional IDs
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 18 Batch Update for Shared Patrons – cir-77 Update Global Delinquency tab_check_circ B-CIR-77 section check 1_b Checks local patron blocks in all ADM libraries; if blocked in any ADM library, Global Patron Block 3 (Z303-DELINQ-3 and Z303-DELINQ-3-N) are set to “99.” Update Expiration Date Updates expiration dates for all Local records, according to the date in the Patron's Home Library record.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 19 Batch Update for Shared Patrons – cir-77 Delete Patron Records Deletes the patron if Global Note 2 field has “DELETE,” using a two-step process: The system checks whether the patron has any liabilities and replaces “DELETE” by “to-del date.” The next time the service is run, this patron's records (global, local, address, etc.) will be deleted.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 20 Batch Update for Shared Patrons – cir-77 Delete Patron Records Deletes the patron if Global Note 2 field has “DELETE,” using a two-step process: The system checks whether the patron has any liabilities and replaces “DELETE” by “to-del date.” The next time the service is run, this patron's records (global, local, address, etc.) will be deleted.
Managing Multi-Level Patrons and Staff Users 21