Friday 10/31 RAP Today: Do you have any questions on the test? HW: PRINT CH.8.1 DO NOT COMPLETE IT !!!!
Monday 11/3 RAP Read page 232: How would you have handled the situation if you were President? Explain. Today: Get into our newspaper groups. 20 minutes to figure out who is doing what. 25 minutes to quietly read and answer questions for Ch. 8.1 Tomorrow: Have one article that you will be writing about. I will check your article on Thursday.
Tuesday 11/4 RAP Why did people move to the cities in the late 1800s to early 1900s? What were some problems in the overcrowded cities? Today: Discuss RAP Review Ch. 8.1- President video Objective: SWBAT describe reasons for the growth of cities during the late 1800s – early 1900s. Illustrate vocabulary words to help understand the time. Analyze and discuss Presidents decisions and policies of the late 1800s –early 1900s
---What is this political cartoon about? ---How did this hurt democracy?
Ch. 8.1: Facing a New OrderPages234-239 Vocabulary: Person who goes to a new country to live:_immigrant. Combination of companies dominating an industry: trust Sophisticated organization developed to win votes:_political machine. A community that blossomed at the edge of a city:_suburb Apartment building—often a rental:_tenement The growth of cities:_urbanization Shame of the cities: 7. Developments in transportation helped promote the move to the suburbs. 8. The opening of a _factory in the city was a magnet that pulled in new residents. 9. Most immigrants settled in cities. Between 1890 and 1920 most immigrants came from _southern _ and _eastern_ Europe. Social problems of the cities included buildings that had no source of fresh air. The most famous political machine in the country was headquartered in Tammany Hall Industrial Disorder The rash of business mergers and buyouts helped account for the growing concentration of wealth Though wages increased slowly between 1890 and 1910, most workers lived just outside the reach of financial ruin Photographer and journalist Jacob Riis exposed the suffering of those who lived in tenements. Large companies could cut costs, which accounted for some benefits for consumers. Two of the most severe urban problems were poor housing and political corruption.
Ch. 8.1-Facing a New Order Jacob Riis Photographer and journalist Exposed horrid conditions of urban living conditions with his photographs.
Shame of the Cities Population booms left cities unable to cope with urban problems. Only the people who could afford to move to suburbs moved. Commuting was made easier by mass transportation. San Fran-cable cars Trolley cars Subways All of these fostered urbanization-growth of cities. Along with factories
Factories Magnet that pulled in people looking for work. Many came from rural areas. New machinery on farms replaced workers. immigrants People enjoyed the cities luxuries: plays, concerts, and stores; along with technology—electricity and indoor plumbing.
Immigrants 25 million between 1880 and 1920 Ellis Island 25 million between 1880 and 1920 Before 1890- immigrants from G.B., Ireland, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries. NOW 80% came from Southern and eastern Europe. Italy, Greece, Russia, and Poland. Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Jewish. Came thru Ellis Island on the East coast and Angel Island on the West coast. Ellis Island started processing immigrants in 1892. Cities = jobs Angel Island
Social Problems in the cities Gambling, robbery, and extortion were widespread. Chicago, 1906---extimated 10,000 prostitutes. Drug addicts Gang fights Cities not equipped. Garbage out of control—so sanitation systems, garbage and sewage piled up. Living conditions were bad for newcomers, but worse for A.A.
Political Corruption Political machines-organization to win political votes. Tammany Hall machine in NYC. George Washington Plunkitt, minor boss in the machine. Helped the poor by providing temporary shelter, pledged donations, etc. Boss Tweed
Industrial Disorder Trusts, a combination of companies dominating an industry. Created for the purpose of reducing competition in that industry. New efficient companies Items widely available and inexpensive. New machinery and more efficient practices lowered retail prices. Rich growing richer; poor struggling for basics; middle class worked for traditional values, Economic opportunities, religious morality, political honesty, and social stability. Many looked to reform the U.S. and preserve its democratic values = Progressive Movement.
Presidents video Grant-------------5 min Hayes -----------10 min Garfield --------- 7:23 min Arthur ------------6:01 min 28:24 min Cleveland------- 6 min Harrison -------- 5 min Cleveland ------ 3:30 min McKinley ------- 6:50 min 21:20 min
“The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair Popcorn read the Jungle Answer questions as we go— Title—The Jungle Questions Discuss questions with the person sitting next to you; make sure you write them down! Compare with society today
“The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair Upton Sinclair was a muckraker, who wrote about the horrid conditions of the meat packing industry. Popcorn read… What problems did the new immigrants face? How were workers mistreated in the packing plant? What corrupt practices did the meat-packing industry follow? Why was the public more concerned with the descriptions of filthy surroundings and tainted meat than with the unfair and dangerous working conditions?
Group Discussion FAST FOOD NATION TRAILER In your groups of 3 or 4, please come up with what you think is the biggest or most pressing issue facing the US today. Please have one person write down the issue for your group. Describe why you believe this is the biggest issue facing the US. Please come up with at least one solution to the problem or issue.