The Facts are In… updated >
Understand how it works See the results data Compare to other options Understand the investment
What does the data say?
[Facts] Most widely deployed 1.5 million vehicles daily 535 intersections 84 corridors 43 cities 15 states
[Facts] Management before InSync Coordinated TOD plans Running free Coordinated TOD plans Running free, fully actuated Coordinated TOD plans
[Facts] Peak delay reductions 77% 78% 85% 86% Best peak time results 53% 70% 48% 72% 89% 89% 66% 73% 71%
[Facts] Peak stop reductions 90% 100% 95% 82% 93% Best peak time results 33% 50% 62% 71% 92% 91% 67% 67% 90%
[Facts] Peak travel time reduction 29% 42% 32% 50% 42% Best peak time results 44% 20% 42% 41% 46% 19% 29% 49%
[Facts] Peak fuel reduction 16% 32% 19% 38% 26% Best peak time results 28% 30% 34%
[Facts] Emissions reduction 41% 39% 25% 34% 35% Best peak time results 42% 23% 38%
[Facts] Crash reduction 17% Source: Lee’s Summit, MO Police Department 30% Source: Springdale, AR Police Department
How it works: hardware
Global Optimizer Analog to DIGITAL Local Optimizer
Analog to DIGITAL State machine
Runs Free Optimizes Sees/Vision Inputs detector calls Picks state (or phase pair)
Twisted pair of copper Fiber Wireless
:FUSION Integrates existing presence detectors, such as loops
Failure mitigation: Loss of video detection = historical data used (and InSync:Fusion) Loss of communications = no change (intelligence is local) Loss of processor = detection sends calls to controller, controller can roll back to plans
How it works: the model
Local: Optimizes intersections + Occupancy + Delay = Priority Global: Coordinates desired progression
Northbound Time Distance Global optimizer coordinates progression
Northbound Southbound 1 Global optimizer coordinates progression
Northbound Southbound 1 Global optimizer coordinates progression
Pedestrian Module Optimizes pedestrian traffic with vehicular traffic
How it works: user interface
How does it work? Real-time State machine and cameras CentralSync Intelligently fully actuated local and global progression
How does InSync compare?
#1 Affordability Up-time Maintenance Reduction in stops Reduction in delay Reduction in travel time Source: Selinger, et al. “Adaptive Traffic Control Systems in the United States: Updated Summary and Comparison” HDR [Facts]
[Facts] Results or regrets? “Knowing what you know now, would you have installed the same system if you have the opportunity to do it all again?” 100%
What is the investment?
Typically $25,000 to $35,000 per intersection Includes detectionAsk us for a price sheet (Does not include communications or installation) Investment
Questions and Answers The proven solution. Chuck O’Connor Phone: Web: