Understanding Global Cultures: Thailand, Japan, and Saudi Arabia Group 1: Paige Perry, Devon Dyer, Chandler Cruse, Angela Scoioli, Anna Smith, Sandy Tang and Tammy Nguyen
Thailand’s Culture Vertical Hierarchy Bowing instead of hand shake Thai Boxing Thai Smiling
Economies Thailand Newly industrialized Industrial production Military spending Singapore Extremely modern Industrial production Military spending
Religion Thailand Theravada Buddhism 95% is Buddhism Other religions in Thailand are Confucianism and Taoism Singapore Buddhism 33% is Buddhism Other religions in Singapore are Christianity, atheism, and Islam
Changing Values Young Japanese desire: Diversity, individuality Instant gratification stability and maintenance of the status quo. Young Japanese seek more leisure time and devote more time to personal goals than elders did. “Like the water flowing through a Japanese garden, Japanese society is fluid, changing yet retaining its essential character.”
Japanese Religion Buddhism Indigenous religion: Shintoism (nature based) Christianity
Borrowed Values China deeply influenced Japan in: philosophy, science, literature and arts, they even adopted the Chinese writing system. Japan’s island was far enough away to escape invasion but close enough to interact and benefit from the Chinese.
Japanese Economy 2 nd largest economy behind U.S. Current Corporate culture: developed western style management tying performance to compensation Japan has few resources-adopted many ways of china. Authority ranking nation: balance between individualistic and collectivist
Out of Seclusion Extremely difficult for a foreigner to be fully accepted in Japan. Many visiting US Americans misperceive the extreme care and attention given to them as genuine friendship or genuine acceptance.
Japanese Gardens Gardens are designed to create a sense of integration between observer and nature for which mediation can take place The Garden serves the purpose of development of society in: art, religion and aesthetics. Western societies see nature to be confronted and subdued; Japanese see nature to be accepted
Dry and Wet Gardens Tsukiyama: wet or landscape garden Karesansui: dry Zen or religions garden
Nature Oriented Society Naturally Nature Oriented because of: -Agricultural people -Temperate climate -Abundant rainfall -close to ocean Thus Japanese literature manifests a deep appreciation of seas, mountains and glens.
Interesting Facts Control obesity by measuring waistlines of Japanese people Shame is associated with failure, which leads to high suicide rate. When Japanese are asked what they do, they usually respond with the name of the company that they work for, and not the job they perform.
Saudi Arabia
Cultural Values Saudi Arabia When honor is tarnished, one feels shame and loses face. High value placed on honor and shame. Rarely resort to violence. Singapore Having face indicates personal dignity. Work to carry themselves with honor in all aspects of life. Strive for harmonious relationships.
Female Role in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian woman comfortable Abaya and veil Separate entrances Do insiders understand their own culture better than outsiders do? 2009 First female minister
Saudi Arabia’s Arts Jewelry as Wealth and Art Jewelry includes as dowry Jewelry design unite women Price separate women Different colored gemstones Silver dying and gold growing
Singapore’s Arts Singapore Arts Festival Arts have united Singaporeans Many different forms of art Theatre arts Dance and Music Visual Arts Arts are continuing to grow
Religion in Saudi Arabia Performing the haj to Mecca. 97% Muslim 85-90% Sunni 10-15% Shias King is the religious and government leader Government is based on Koran Religion is incorporated in every day life
Religion in Singapore Diverse religious backgrounds: Buddhism 33% Christianity 18.3% Hinduism 5.1% Islam 14.7% Taoism 10.9% Government strives to surpass religious and racial boundaries Public discussion of religious issues is not appropriate.