Overview Laws and Regulations Other Flags Precedence Hall of Shame Flag Trivia
“The Flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing.” U.S. Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 8 (j)
US Flag Laws & Regulations United States Code Title 4, chapter 1 – flag & seal Title 18, chapter 18 – crimes & punishments Title 36, chapter 10 – patriotic customs and courtesies Executive orders & Presidential Proclamations
Patriotic Customs- USC Title 36, Chapter 10 Position and Manner of Display (Section 175)
In a procession with another flag or flags:
When a number of flags are displayed:
When flags of States, cities, or localities, or pennants of societies are flown on the same halyard with the US Flag, the US Flag should always be at the peak
When Hung from a Building or Ceiling Should be… Displayed Stars to the Top and Stripes to the Right when hung from corridors or streets or on building facings Union to the North or East over city streets TOP LEFT RIGHT BOTTOM
Displayed as Stars and Stripes
When displayed in a public auditorium or from a staff in a church:
Respect for the Flag How should the US Flag NOT be treated? Not used as a covering for anything except a casket Not worn as clothing Not be torn or worn Used in any manner in which it will be thrown away *These are examples and not an inclusive list
Using the National Colors
Bunting Flag buntings for decorating during holidays, parades, speaker's platforms, etc. should be arranged where the blue is on top, then white and then red. I know we normally say "Red, White and Blue" but in this case, buntings are to be done, Blue, White and Red. This is because the blue represents the union and as with previous rules for flying our flag, the blue part always goes to the North or on top. Mingling
State and Territorial Flags
Displayed in order of the date entered the Union
Organizational Flags Department of Interior Department of Commerce - Organizational flags are just that – represent the Organization (not a person or position) There is precedence to Organizational Flags Examples of organization flags: -- Government -- Corporate -- Non profits -- Military -- list is endless Corporate/ Industry Department of Commerce
Positional Flags President of the United States Vice President
Personal Flags
Miniature Flags Miniature or table top flags are typically used in meetings or signing ceremonies especially if involving international guests.
Precedence Appropriate and necessary to display in precedence order: National State (in order they entered the union) Local Government Organizational Positional Personal POW/MIA
Precedence Military Appropriate and necessary to display in precedence order: Army Marine Corps Navy Air Force Coast Guard
Senator Richard Shelby Flag Requests Senator Richard Shelby www.shelby.senate.gov Honorable Mo Brooks www.brooks.house.gov You can request the flag be flown over the United States Capitol in honor of a Special Occasion such as Retirement, birthday, graduation or anniversary. Each flag will be accompanied with a certificate signed by the Architect of the Capitol certifying the date that the flag was flown over the Capitol and listing the name of the person/persons or organization for whom the flag was purchased. .
The U.S. National Anthem US Code, Title 36, Chapter 1, Section 301: During rendition of our National Anthem when the flag is displayed, all those present, except those in uniform, should stand at attention facing the flag with their right hand over their heart Those in uniform should stand at attention Men not in uniform should remove their headdress (hat) with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart When out-doors, persons in uniform should render a military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note Whether in-doors or out-doors, if the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there
American Flag Wall of Shame Seems like even in the birthplace of U.S. History, not 100 yards from the location of the "shot heard round the world", the local Historic Society still doesn't know how to hang the flag. Submitted the 4th of July, 2010, by "the faithful citizens of Lexington MA." "When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left. When displayed in a window, the flag should be displayed in the same way, with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street." (Flag Code, Section 7i) New swimsuits for the summer season spotted at my local Walmart. Submitted by Walmart Shopper, Weatherford, Tx "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery." (Flag Code, Section 8d)
American Flag Wall of Shame What's good for business is good for America! Well, the flag should not be used as decoration on a credit card, no matter how American that seems! "The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever." (Flag Code, Section 8i) "The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature." (Flag Code, Section 8g)
American Flag Wall of Shame BAD! Katy Perry’s costumes are not to be made of flags.
American Flag Wall of Shame The flag should not to be used as a "skin" on a disposable camera. This was found on sale at Sam's Club. “The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature." (Flag Code, Section 8g) "The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything. " (Flag Code, Section 8h)
American Flag Wall of Shame No. Section 8i of the Flag Code reads, "The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever." The earliest drafts of the Flag Code were in response to the use of the flag in advertisements and on packaging, especially for beer
USC, Chapter 36, Section 8g: "The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”
Section 8 (j): No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform…
Section 8 (a): The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property .
Resources US Code Titles 4 & 6 Our Flag, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, US Government Printing Office National Flag Foundation: www.americanflags.org Flag Research Center: http://www.flagresearchcenter.com CIA World Fact Book: https://www.cia.gov
FLAG TRIVIA Recommend developing an exercise to reinforce the lesson objectives. Some suggestions: Take pictures of flag displays around your city – both good and bad Ask the audience to tell you if they are right or wrong Break into small groups and pass out table flags and ask them to put the flags into precedence order
On September 14, 1814 Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star Spangled Banner.“ In which year did it officially become our national anthem? (a) 1867 (b) 1914 (c) 1931 (d) 1941 Recommend developing an exericse to reinforce the lesson objectives. Some suggestions: Take pictures of flag displays around your city – both good and bad Ask the audience to tell you if they are right or wrong Break into small groups and pass out table flags and ask them to put the flags into precedence order
C. 1931 Recommend developing an exericse to reinforce the lesson objectives. Some suggestions: Take pictures of flag displays around your city – both good and bad Ask the audience to tell you if they are right or wrong Break into small groups and pass out table flags and ask them to put the flags into precedence order
From your memory, and without peeking, how many stripes on the American Flag are red? (a) Six (b) Seven (c) Eight Recommend developing an exericse to reinforce the lesson objectives. Some suggestions: Take pictures of flag displays around your city – both good and bad Ask the audience to tell you if they are right or wrong Break into small groups and pass out table flags and ask them to put the flags into precedence order
B. Seven Recommend developing an exericse to reinforce the lesson objectives. Some suggestions: Take pictures of flag displays around your city – both good and bad Ask the audience to tell you if they are right or wrong Break into small groups and pass out table flags and ask them to put the flags into precedence order
If you fly the American flag upside down, it means what If you fly the American flag upside down, it means what? (a) I am not a US citizen (b) I am protesting something the US is doing (c) I am in trouble and need help Recommend developing an exericse to reinforce the lesson objectives. Some suggestions: Take pictures of flag displays around your city – both good and bad Ask the audience to tell you if they are right or wrong Break into small groups and pass out table flags and ask them to put the flags into precedence order
c. I am in trouble and need help. Recommend developing an exericse to reinforce the lesson objectives. Some suggestions: Take pictures of flag displays around your city – both good and bad Ask the audience to tell you if they are right or wrong Break into small groups and pass out table flags and ask them to put the flags into precedence order
When you see the flag pass by in a parade, what are you supposed to do When you see the flag pass by in a parade, what are you supposed to do? (a) Put your right hand over your heart (b) Bow your head (c) Salute (d) Wave
a. For Civilians c. For Military
When does the flag outside of the White house not fly? When the president is not there When he has foreign visitors It is always flying Recommend developing an exericse to reinforce the lesson objectives. Some suggestions: Take pictures of flag displays around your city – both good and bad Ask the audience to tell you if they are right or wrong Break into small groups and pass out table flags and ask them to put the flags into precedence order
c. It is always flying
How many American Flags are on the moon? One Three Six
C. Six
The AMCOM CG which is a 2-star is hosting a Retirement Ceremony The AMCOM CG which is a 2-star is hosting a Retirement Ceremony. You have a 4-star and 3-star in attendance. Which flags would you display? US/ARMY/AMCOM/2 Star US/ARMY/AMCOM/4 Star US/ARMY/AMCOM/4/3/2
Who designed the first official U.S. Flag? a. Betsy Ross b. Benjamin Franklin c. Francis Hopkinson
c. Francis Hopkinson It’s not known for certain who designed the first U.S. flag, but it is likely that the flag was designed by Declaration of Independence signer Francis Hopkinson
According to U.S. Flag Code, the U.S. Flag should never be: Raised quickly Flown at night Used as Clothing
Used as clothing
The last new star was added to the flag in which year The last new star was added to the flag in which year? It was the year after Hawaii became the 50th state? 1940 1950 1960
C. 1960 Hawaii joined the Union on August 21, 1959, and the new star was added to the flag the following fourth of July.
Recap: The Flag of the United States Should be displayed: To speaker’s right To your visual left Higher than In front of Or in the center of all other flags Displayed as “Stars and Stripes” to the observer
US Flag Protocol