Anchor of Hope Healing Rooms
Ordained Minister Certified Christian Counselor Search For Significance Facilitator Trauma Resolution Therapist Hospice Chaplain Anchor of Hope Director
Sissy Landry, Director ANCHOR OF HOPE HEALING ROOMS th St N, Texas City, for information and prayer requests New website Open Saturdays, 10:30 – 12:30, by appointment
Be respectful – be on time, no cross talk, let everyone have a chance to speak Be courteous – only bottled water, no food, turn off cell phones Be trustworthy – all information shared is confidential HALT
You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. – John 8:32
Satan deceives Christians and non-Christians causing almost all of us to base our self worth on performance and others opinions.
I must meet certain standards in order to feel good about myself. The Fear of Failure: The Performance Trap – perfectionism, intensity about your own success, withdrawal from risks, manipulate others to help you succeed.
Because of Justification, we are completely forgiven and fully pleasing to God. We no longer have to fear failure. Results in: Freedom from the fear of failure, intensity about the right things – Christ and His kingdom, love for Christ.
I must have the approval of certain others to feel good about myself. The Fear of Rejection: The Approval Addict – please others at any cost, sensitive to criticism, withdrawal to avoid disapproval.
Because of Reconciliation, we are totally accepted by God. We no longer have to fear rejection. Results in: Freedom from fear of rejection, willingness to be open and vulnerable, able to relax around others, willingness to take criticism, desire to please God no matter what others think.
Those who fail are unworthy of love and deserve to be punished. The Fear of Punishment: Punishing others, blaming others when you fail, dry spiritual life.
Because of Propititation, we are deeply loved by God. We no longer have to fear punishment or punish others. Results in: Freedom from fear of punishment, patience and kindness toward others, being quick to forgive, deep love for Christ.
I am what I am. I cannot change. Shame: Inferiority feelings, destructive habits, hopelessness.
Because of Regeneration, we have been made new, complete in Christ. We no longer need to experience the pain of shame. Results in: Freedom from shame, Christ- centered self-confidence, joy, courage, peace, desire to know Christ.
Think about your greatest achievement and your worst failure. Describe them. Think about a time when someone rejected you. Talk about that experience. What one thing would you want to change about yourself.
Because of Christ’s redemption, I am a new creation of infinite worth. I am deeply loved, I am completely forgiven, I am fully pleasing, I am totally accepted by God, I am absolutely complete in Christ. When my performance reflects my true identity in Christ, That reflection is dynamically unique. There has never been another person like me in the history of mankind, nor will there ever be. God has made me an original, one of a kind, really somebody.
Pray before you begin Read Introduction, Chapter One & Chapter Two (p. 1-24) and complete Steps One & Two (p ) in the book Bring a notebook
Latecomers for class: Please note, for security purposes, you must call Laura’s cell or Becca’s cell to get into class. Each week’s homework will be uploaded to the website, accessible by password: Search2 A discussion board has been added for comments, questions and sharing in this private area
If you feel in need of prayer, Anchor of Hope Healing Room teams will be available after class for minutes The Healing Room is open Saturdays, 10:30-12:30 Sissy Landry provides private counseling by appointment. Donation is $25/hour. Contact Sissy at
Anchor of Hope Healing Rooms