1 Discovering Potential Maximising Ability Training and Support for Labour Market Integration of Socially Excluded Persons Joseph M. Camilleri June 2006 Project ESF20 – Structural Funds Progamme for Malta Project part-financed by the European Union – European Social Fund (ESF)
2 Stigma & Labelling Traditionally seen as different from ‘normal’ people. An embarrassment & shame to family & community. Disability a sign of evil & sinfulness. Objects of fear to be avoided and/ or hidden away.
3 Difference (Stigma) --- always shameful? Among the 62 Catholic Saints or Blesseds with stigmata Nathaniel Hawthorne – The Scarlet Letter
4 look …
5 Look …
7 Impairment Prejudice Person Understanding = Acceptance Stigma/
8 Definitions Impairment loss or limitation of physical, mental or sensory function on a long-term or permanent basis. (BIOLOGICAL) Disablement loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the ordinary life of the community on an equal level with others due to physical and social barriers. (SOCIAL)
9 The Medical Model of Disability [
10 BIOLOGICAL IMPAIRMENT Hearing Hidden Intellectual Mental Health Mobility Visual
11 The Social Model of Disability [
12 Employment Stereotypes Take a lot of sick leave Not productive Unable to socialise (a wet blanket) Very dependent Reasonable accommodation is prohibitively expensive Cannot assume responsibility Cannot be disciplined (moral blackmail)
13 Disability & Employment Job advertising (Equal Opportunities Employment Policy) Interviews Selection Job allocation Reasonable Accommodation Training opportunities Promotion
14 On track for the future EDUCATION LEGISLATION Inclusive education Anti-discriminatory legislation
15 YOU must be the change you want to see in the world (Ghandi) Don’t be afraid, to be afraid Focus on the person, not the impairment Rights, not charity LISTEN (to disabled people) EQUAL = better for everyone Respect individual differences
16 Resources Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni b’Dizabilità website British Film Institute teaching/disability/ teaching/disability/ Self-Direction Community Project website The UK Disability Archive (Leeds University) studies/archiveuk/archframe.htm
17 Who is Disabled?
18 Discovering Potential Maximising Ability Training and Support for Labour Market Integration of Socially Excluded Persons Joseph M. Camilleri June 2006 Project ESF20 – Structural Funds Progamme for Malta Project part-financed by the European Union – European Social Fund (ESF)