YULE BROOK COLLEGE & ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY AGREEMENT Working collaboratively to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal students
Basis of agreement is founded on the following understandings … Importance of Reconciliation and Cooperation Acknowledgement of uniqueness of Aboriginal culture Education is the key to the future (Importance of) strong and positive relationships Commitment to … a spirit of cooperation and harmony ALL Aboriginal students graduate YBC is a “no shame” college Encouraging students to take pride in self & family
Re-engaging the community Parent & community requests For students NAIDOC Week Fair treatment for behaviour issues Substitutes for suspension Rewards Consultant group For Parents Aboriginal person on Council Aboriginal people involved in decision making Parent Committee Meeting place Local mentors
Underpinning school planning Priorities Pedagogy (How we teach & learn) Pedagogical approaches which will promote collaborative and conciliatory relationships Community (How we relate to one another) … to promote mutual respect, and build capacity for students to participate in the community.
Supporting strategies Cooperative Learning in all classes Pastoral care program promoting a student-centred focus; implemented through a uniform program Behaviour management strategies based on the principles of Restorative Justice Build and enhance partnerships which support these priorities Coherent whole-school teaching & learning program – personalised and related to student passions and the real world (Big Picture)
Other actions and responses Annual NAIDOC Commemoration Aboriginal person and parent of Aboriginal students recruited for College Council Aboriginal Education Council (Community members, parents, students & teachers) Recommitment to Community Agreement Partnership with Clontarf Football Academy ABC of two-way literacy and learning – professional development; action research and genealogy Indigenous meeting circle – partnership with local government; consultation with Noongar Action Committee
Some statistics Growth of Indigenous enrolments
Graduation of Indigenous students Year 10