Color Harmonization - ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Speaker :李沃若
Authors Daniel Cohen-Or Tel-Aviv University Volume graphics Visualization of large environments Shape modeling Image and surface manipulation
Authors Olga Sorkine Tel-Aviv University Student of Daniel Cohen-Or Computer Graphics Ran Gal
Authors Ran Gal Tel-Aviv University Student of Daniel Cohen-Or Computer Graphics and Vision Work for Microsoft Corporation on the new XBOX 360
Authors Ying-Qing Xu Visual Computing Group, Microsoft Research Asia Learning based digital facial cartoon generation Computer animation
Relative Paper Understanding Color. [Holtzschue 2002] Color design support system considering color harmony. [Tokumaru et al. 2002] Color Index: Over 1,100 Color Combinations, CMYK and RGB Formulas, for Print and Web Media. [Krause 2002]
Introduction Harmonic colors are sets of colors that are aesthetically pleasing in terms of human visual perception. Finds the best harmonic scheme for the image colors.
Color Wheel Describe the color distribution Use HSV color space H:0~360(hue) S:0~1 (saturation) V:0~1 (value)
Harmonic templates Sum up from experience
Some natural images
Different representation
Harmonic Schemes 1.Fit a harmonic template T to the hue histogram of the image. 2.Determine color shift direction. 3.Shift of color.
Fit a template Fine αand a template that minimize the function: The least distant of hue between point and template Template Orientation Saturation of p
Color shift C(p) : the central hue of the sector associated with pixel p w : the arc-width of the template sector :normalized Gaussian function
Problem “splitting” of a contiguous region of the image
Add Region Segmentation Fine the optimal label assignment minimizes the energy: Hue distant to assign edge color coherence between neighboring pixels assigned to the same label. Pixel’s label
Min-cut / max-flow Function can be turned into min-cut/max-flow problem. Energies turn into the cost of road. Details see [Boykov and Jolly 2001].
Better result
Other results
References BOYKOV, Y., AND JOLLY, M.-P Interactive graph cuts for optimal boundary and region segmentation of objects in N-D images. In Proceedings of ICCV, 105–112. COLOR WHEEL EXPERT, MOROVIC, J., AND LUO, M. R The fundamentals of gamut mapping: A survey. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 45, 3, 283–290. PRESS, W. H., TEUKOLSKY, S. A., VETTERLING, W. T., AND FLANNERY, B. P Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA.