Read Adam Cohen's editorial article in the New York Times entitled "Jay Gatsby, Dreamer, Criminal, Jazz Age Rogue, Is a Man for Our Times" (2002). Annotate the article.. 1. Circle the thesis statement 2. Box any words you do not know. 3. Note "hit me statements" in the margins.
AP Language ?'s: Prompt 1 (Analytical): Write an essay in which you analyze the strategies and devices used by Cohen to persuade his readers that Gatsby is indeed "a man of our times." Prompt 2 (Argument): In his editorial Adam Cohen observes that our contemporary world of business and politics mirrors the world of Jay Gatsby. Using your own understanding of contemporary society as evidence, write a carefully argued essay that explores Cohen's assertions.
In _________, ________ uses ___________________ Thesis Format: In _________, ________ uses ___________________ (title of work) (author) (diction, imagery, detail,metaphor,etc.) to _________________action verb______________________________ (show, reveal, explore, portray, convey, emphasize, suggest) _________________direct object____________________________ (theme, tone, purpose).
In the New York Times editorial entitled "Jay Gatsby, Dreamer, Criminal, Jazz Age Rogue, Is a Man for Our Times," Adam Cohen uses modern media allusions, analysis of symbolism and historical references to assert Gatsby's flaws are ever present in today's economy.
In the New York Times editorial "Jay Gatsby, Dreamer, Criminal, Jazz Age Rogue, Is a Man for Our Times," Adam Cohen uses the themes of self-improvement and corruption to show the contemporary world of business and politics mirrors the world of Jay Gatsby.