Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates Parallel Lines By Chaya Avtzon G5-7 Eu
Powerpoint Templates Page 2 One day Mr. Goldberg, was walking with his friend, Mr. Cohen. Although Mr. Goldberg was not affiliated with Chabad, Mr. Cohen was very orthodox and did go to Chabad often. All of a sudden Mr. Goldberg saw this bearded man all dressed in black! “What’s that!?!?!” said Mr. Goldberg, as if he had just spotted a snake! “Why, It’s a Shliach! Are you so scared?” Said Mr. Cohen. “A Shliach, what’s that?” First Page :
Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Second Page : “Hey, how are you?” Said the Shliach as he came out of his mitzvah tank. “Are you Jewish?” “Yes, we are. I am Mr. Goldberg, and this is my friend, Mr. Cohen.” said Mr. Goldberg, “And if you don’t mind, can I ask you a question?” “Of course you can! Why not?” replied the Shliach “Well, I see that you are very religious… You see I am not really religious, and I don’t really know about G-d, and the Bible… I want to be connected to G-d. I was wondering if you could help me out?” “Ok, Sure!” replied the Shliach, “I would be delighted to help you out. Lets get this straight first. Do you know what a mitzvah is? “A mitzvah, A mitzvah! What’s a mitzvah?” asked Mr. Goldberg shocked. “Come on, buddy, do you not know what a mitzvah is?! A mitzvah is a good deed!” said Mr. Cohen. “Oh right! A mitzvah!” “Ok, so we get what a mitzvah is,” said the Shliach “Now, you said that you want to be more connected with G-d! Right? When you do Mitzvah’s you become more connected with G-d. So let’s do one right now!”
Powerpoint Templates Page 4 “ Lets put on Tefillin.” “Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah! Before I put on tebillin, or tefillin, what ever it’s called, I need to know what it is!” “Here we go again…” thought Mr. Cohen. “Tefillin, are special boxes with a piece of leather attached to it. We wrap the string around our arms, and place the boxes on our head, and on our arms. We do this process every morning, when we pray, and it’s a very holy mitzvah. Lets do it.”
Powerpoint Templates Page 5 “I really enjoyed that. I really hope I can do more mitzvot, and become more connected to G-d, Hashem. Thank you so much for your help, Rabbi.” said Mr. Goldberg “No Problem, any time. By the way what you said is good because one good deed can change the world and bring Moshiach speedily, I hope you continue. And by the way, Mr. Cohen, did you put on tefillin today?” said the Shliach “No I didn’t! Thanks for asking, lets do that right now!”
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