H331: Computer Graphics Philip Dutré Department of Computer Science Wednesday, February 25
Today u Graphics programming u Book: Chapters 3, 4, 10
Announcements u Practicum 1 available – u Practicum 1 & 2: 7 points / 20 –Best: 4 –2 nd best: 3
Announcements u SIGGRAPH Los Angeles August 8-12 u u Student volunteers! (Deadline: February 25)
3D 2D u How to transform the 3D world to a 2D image? u 3 aspects: –Objects: exist in space, independent of viewer –Viewer: camera, human, …. –Lights: shading, shadows, …
3D 2D Objects (points, lines, polygons) Described by vertices Lights (e-m spectrum) ( nm) Viewer = camera
Pinhole camera
Synthetic Camera Projection plane in front of center-of-projection:
Synthetic Camera Clipping: looking through a window
3D APIs u Synthetic camera is basis of 3D API –OpenGL, PHIGS, Direct 3D, VRML, JAVA-3D, GKS, … u We need to functions to specify: –Objects: vertices that describe points, lines, polygons –Camera: position, orientation, width, height –Light sources: position, color –Materials: reflection characteristics
3D APIs glBegin(GL_POLYGON) glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.1); glEnd(); … gluLookAt(posx, posy, posz, atx, aty, atz, …); glPerspective(view_angle, …);
3D APIs u 3D API performs modeling + rendering u But … modeling can also be done ‘off-line’ –Write model to file –Read file in 3D API and transform to 3D API modeling commands u RenderMan (Pixar) –Prepares off-line model for rendering –Rendering takes ‘converted’ model
Graphics hardware u 3D ‘world’ coordinates 2D ‘screen’ coordinates
Graphics hardware u 3D vertex 2D pixel Transform to camera coordinate system Clip away things we don’t see in the camera window 3D coordinates 2D coordinates Transform to pixels in the frame buffer
How to draw things? u Given: window on the screen u Graphics API (e.g. OpenGL) has something of the form: plotPixel(int x, int y)
How to draw things? u plotPixel(289,190) u plotPixel(320,128) u plotPixel(239,67) u plotPixel(194,101) u plotPixel(129,83) u plotPixel(75,73) u plotPixel(74,74) u plotPixel(20,10) window
How to draw things? window screen x y plotPixel(x,y) X Y
Why is this impractical? u Coordinates are expressed in screen space, but objects live in (3D) world space u Resizing window implies we have to change coordinates of objects to be drawn u We want to make a separation between: –values to describe geometrical objects –values needed to draw these objects on the screen
How to draw things? u Specify points to OpenGL glVertex*( … ) glVertex2i( … )glVertex3i( … ) glVertex2f( … )glVErtex3f( … ) glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(x1, y1); glVertex2f(x2, y2); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2f(x1, y1); glVertex2f(x2, y2); glEnd();
How to draw things? For (k=0; k<500; k++) { … // compute point k x = …; y = …; glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2f(x, y); glEnd(); } glFlush();
More about OpenGL… u OpenGl = set of libraries
More about OpenGL… u OpenGl supports geometric primitives and raster primitives
Geometric Primitives in OpenGL u Geometric primitives are defined by vertices –GL_POINTS –GL_LINES –GL_LINE_STRIP, GL_LINE_LOOP
Geometric Primitives in OpenGL u Closed loops = polygons u Polygons: describe surfaces
Geometric Primitives in OpenGL u GL_POLYGON, GL_QUADS, …
Viewing in OpenGL u Scene is independent of camera u gluOrtho2D(left, tight, bottom, top)
3D primitives void triangle(point3 a, point3 b, point3 c) { glBegin(GL_POLYGON) glVertex3fv(a); glVertex3fv(b); glVertex3fv(c); glEnd(); } void tetrahedron () { glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0); triangle(v[0], v[1], v[2]); … }
3D primitives u Hidden surfaces? u Z-buffer –Keep depth for each pixel u Initialize! –glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); –glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); –… –glFlush();
World window & viewport u World window: specifies what part of the world should be drawn u Viewport: rectangular area in the screen window in which we will draw
World window & viewport window viewport screen window world window
Mapping: world window to viewport window WlWr Wb Wt VlVr Vb Vt
Mapping: world window to viewport window WlWr Wb Wt VlVr Vb Vt Maintain proportions!
Mapping: world window to viewport WlWr VlVr xsx
Mapping: world window to viewport u If x = Wl, then sx = Vl u If x = Wr, then sx = Vr u If x = f*(Wr-Wl), then sx = f*(Vr-Vl) u If x < Wl, then sx < Vl u If x > Wr, then sx > Vr u … also for y and sy
World window u Pick size automatically world window
Automatic setting to preserve aspect ratio & center window W H Aspect ratio R R > W/H
Automatic setting to preserve aspect ratio & center window Aspect ratio R R < W/H W H
Clipping u Lines outside of world window are not to be drawn. u Graphics API clips them automatically. u But clipping is a general tool in graphics!
clipSegment(…): u Return 1 if line within window u Return 0 if line outside window u If line partially inside, partially outside: clip and return 1 A B C D E
Cohen-Sutherland clipping u Trivial accept/reject test! Trivial reject Trivial accept
Cohen-Sutherland region outcodes u 4 bits: TTFF Left of window? Above window? Right of window? Below window?
Cohen-Sutherland region outcodes u Trivial accept: both endpoints are FFFF u Trivial reject: both endpoints have T in the same position FFFF TTFF TFFF FTTFFTFF TFFTFFTT FFTF FFFT
Cohen-Sutherland: chopping u If segment is neither trivial accept or reject: –Clip against edges of window in turn
Cohen-Sutherland: chopping Trivial accept
Cohen-Sutherland line clipper u int clipSegment (point p1, point p2) Do { If (trivial accept) return (1) If (trivial reject) return (0) If (p1 is outside) if (p1 is left) chop left else if (p1 is right) chop right … If (p2 is outside) … } while (1)
Raster Graphics u What is an image? –Array of pixels u How to convert lines and polygons to pixels? –Continuous to discrete –Scan conversion
Displays u Early displays were vector displays –Electron beam traces lines –Image is sequence of endpoints –Wireframes, no solid fills
Displays u Raster displays –Electron beam traces regular pattern –Image is 2D array of pixels –Fast, but discretisation errors u Every pixel has b bits for color –B&W: 1 bit –Basic colors: 8, 15, 16, 24 bits –High-end: 96 bits
Displays and Framebuffers u Raster image is stored in memory as a 2D array of pixels = framebuffer u The color of each pixel determines the intensity of the beam u Video hardware scans framebuffer at 60Hz –Changes in framebuffer show on screen => double buffering –Switch buffers when one buffer is finished
Displays and Framebuffers Video controller Framebuffer (double buffer) display Graphics software (rasterizer)
Rasterizer: Example u How to rasterize a line, once its 2D screen coordinates are known? u Given: endpoints of a line u What pixels to draw?
Scan converting lines
u find the pixels closest to the ideal line u assume slope m 1: illuminate one pixel per column, work incrementally u if m 1 : x y.
Scan converting lines y = y1; for (i = x1; i<=x2; i++) { plotPixel(i, round(y)); y += m; }
Scan converting lines u Inefficient: compute round(y) for each integer x and floating point addition u Bresenham’s algorithm: only integer arithmetic u Standard for most HW+SW rasterizers
Scan converting lines u What’s the next pixel? u Decision variable d = a – b if (d>0) … else … Or d = x(a-b)
Scan converting lines d k+1 = d k – 2 y or d k+1 = d k – 2( y- x)