مقايسه با ديگر روشها Adaptive Predictive Adaptive Predictive
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development “We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and toolsIndividuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentationWorking software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a planResponding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”
Bullpen Programmers Product Managers + Business Analysts + Actual Customers Testers Interaction Designers Technical Writers Managers
Agile Methodologies
Agile methods Some of well-known agile software development methods include Extreme Programming (XP) Scrum Adaptive Software Development (ASD) Crystal Clear and Other Crystal Methodologies DSDM Feature Driven Development Lean software development Other approaches include Agile documentation Agile ICONIX Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) Agile Data Agile Modeling
Extreme Programming (XP)
Adaptive Software Development (ADS) Adaptive Software Development (ADS)
Dynamic Systems Development Method
Crystal Maneuverability Face-to-face communication Reflection workshops
Feature Driven Development
Feature the a(n) the a(n) Add the product to a shopping cart. Display the technical-specifications of a product. Store the shopping-information for a customer. a(n) a(n) Making a product sale.
روش بوهم-ترنر (مبتني بر ريسک) با مطالعه در ساختارها و روابط حاکم بر ريسک. پيشنهاد: تحليل ريسک براي انتخاب (agile,plan-driven) Plan-driven home ground Agile home ground High Criticality High Criticality Junior developers Junior developers Low reqirements change Low reqirements change Large number of developers Large number of developers Culture that demands order Culture that demands order Low criticality Low criticality Senior developers Senior developers High requirements Change High requirements Change Small number of developers Small number of developers Culture that thrives on chaos Culture that thrives on chaos
منابع و مأخذ Wikipedia definition of “Agile Software Development”, ( ) Bwck, K. et al., “Manifesto of Agile Software Development”, 2001, ( ) ( ) Agile Alliance Home Page ( ) ( ) Pressman, R. S., “Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach”, 6/e, 2005, McGraw-Hill. ( ) Booch, G., Martin, R. C., Newkirk, J., “Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications”, 2d ed., 1998, Addison-Wesley.
منابع و مأخذ Dubinsky, Y. and Hazzan, O., “Roles in Agile Software Development Teams”, Technion, Israel, Highsmith, J., “What Is Agile Software Development?”,CMM, Szalvay, V., “An Introduction to Agile Software Development”, DANUBE, 2004 ( ) Cohen, D. and et al., “Agile Software Development (A DACS State- of-the-Art Report)”, 2004, Draft Version, DACS. Kalermo, J. and Rissanen, J., “Agile Software Development in Theory and Practice”, 2002, SBP.
Agile Methods site’s Scrum ( ASD ( DSDM ( Crystal ( Crystal ( FDD ( Agile Modeling ( (