Research Resources for Sociology Professor Jacqueline A. Gill Information Literacy Coordinator and Reference Librarian CCNY Libraries
Research Strategy Accessing databases Proxy account Principles of database searching Subject related databases Ebscohost databases Social Sciences full text Jstor Refworks Finding paper journal E journals Interlibrary loans Google scholar Contents
Getting Journal Articles Most older journals are located on the first floor of Cohen Library A majority of our journals for the last twenty years are available electronically.
From the City College Library home page click “Articles via databases” link. Accessing Databases
Select your database. Accessing Databases
Proxy Account Searching when off-campus Fill in your address and create a password. First time users and those who have forgotten their password will be asked to enter their barcode number.
Next you will be asked to type in your name, , and create a password. When you access the databases the next time you will only have to type in your and password. Proxy Account Searching when off-campus
Principles of Searching
Similar ideas are expressed in a word with different endings. sociolet sociolinguistics sociology sociological, etc. sociol* will retrieve all of these words in an article The asterisk * is a wild card or truncation symbol. All words starting with the letters before the asterisk will be retrieved
Boolean Logic, What is it? Boolean Logic was created in 1888 by mathematician George Boole. Boolean Logic consists of several logical operators. These operators consist of the terms AND, OR, and NOT.
Where and Why it Should be Used Boolean logic can be used when searching on the City College libraries databases and the Internet. This particular search technique allows you to broaden and narrow your search so that you receive a higher amount of relevant information.
Socio-economics OR Family background Anything in either of these circles Is recovered socio- economics family background Boolean Searching
Combine search terms “OR” yields the most results Boolean Searching
“AND” makes your search more specific Only the overlap of the circles are recovered family background Boolean Searching socio- economics
Boolean Searching Same combined search terms “AND” yields less results but articles are more specific.
Boolean Searching Add a third search term Even fewer results are presented.
Boolean Searching “NOT” removes one of the terms from the search More results than the last search because one terms has been removed
Boolean Searching Added another term and results are more specific Less results because search terms are very specific
EBSCOHOST EBSCOhost Premier is a portal to 30 databases providing indexing and abstracting for tens of thousands of scholarly journals, magazines, and reference sources in all areas of study. Many of these databases include full text articles. The academic level of the publications covered varies depending on the database, but the brief descriptions on the opening page will help you determine whether a particular database is appropriate for you.
EBSCOHOST In EBSCOHOST you can search many databases simultaneously. Go down the list and select all the databases relevant to your search by checking database selection box.
EBSCOHOST Enter your terms in the Find field. You can use Boolean operators (and, or, not) with a standard search. If available, field codes and search history may be used with your search. Select search options to refine your search. You can use limiters or expanders to broaden or narrow the focus of your search.
EBSCOHOST Additional options are available to refine your search.
EBSCOHOST The results are displayed showing the citation and a link to the full text.
EBSCOHOST PDF or HTML full text can be saved to a diskette. The PDF text can only be viewed in the Adobe Acrobat software. If the software is not available on your computer it can be downloaded from
EBSCOHOST Click this link to send the Full text to your account.
EBSCOHOST Enter your address and subject and click send. You can select a style format, such as APA.
EBSCOHOST Click this link to return to your search results or begin a new search. Databases A-Z
Social Sciences Full Text Social Sciences Full Text is a bibliographic database that indexes and abstracts articles from English- language periodicals published in the United States and elsewhere plus the full text of selected periodicals. Coverage includes a wide range of interdisciplinary fields covered in a broad array of social sciences journals. Abstracting coverage begins with periodicals published in January Full text coverage begins in January 1995.
Click this link to begin searching Social Sciences full- text. Social Sciences Full Text
Enter your search terms. Select full text and peer review. Click SEARCH. Social Sciences Full Text
Here are the journal articles on your topic. Click the title to view the full text. Social Sciences Full Text
This is the full text of the article. You can save, print, or . Databases A-Z Social Sciences Full Text
J-STOR JSTOR provides full-text access to more than 300 scholarly journals offering more than 886,000 full-length articles going back to Here are the subject areas addressed: African American Studies, African Studies, Anthropology, Archeology, Asian Studies, Botany, Ecology, Economics, Education, Finance, Geography, History, Language & Literature, Latin American Studies, Mathematics, Middle East Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Slavic Studies, Sociology, and Statistics. Updated frequently, JSTOR covers important research articles, reviews, opinion pieces, and other items published in key journals.
J-STOR Begin searching the complege JSTOR database by typing your keywords in this box.
J-STOR At the top of the basic search page, click “Advance” search to search by discipline. You can type in your search terms here. Select type.
J-STOR Select the disciplines and or journals for this search.
J-STOR Results are listed by relevance. The list may be sorted by date and the title of the journal. Click the title link to view the citation and abstract. Click “PDF” to download the article.
J-STOR The complete article may be viewed on this page.
J-STOR The citation can be exported to RefWorks which will create your bibliography. Databases A-Z
RefWorks RefWorks is an online research management, writing and collaboration tool -- is designed to help researchers easily gather, manage, store and share all types of information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies. RefWorks opens to the sign in page. You can view a PowerPoint tutorial on RefWorks at my site Databases A-Z
Export citations and create a bibliography
In this tutorial: Export citations from databases Additional tools –Add a Citation –Searching Online Catalogs –Write N Cite –Ref Grab-it The following slides will use EBSCOHOST Premier database to export article citations into RefWorks
Locate the articles you wish to export. Click “Add” folder so that your articles can be included in the export. Exporting to RefWorks
Scroll to the top of the page and select “Folder ”.
Select the “Export” icon. Select the check box in front of each title you want to export. Exporting to RefWorks
Select “Direct Export of RefWorks. When you check the “Remove from folder” box EBSCOHOST will remove your exported articles from the system after they have been exported to RefWorks. Click ”Save”. Exporting to RefWorks
To create an account click this link. If you have already created a password, login here. Fill in all of the required data and submit. Exporting to RefWorks
Click here to view your imported files. Your imported files are shown here. Exporting to RefWorks
Select the files to be included in your folder. Exporting to RefWorks
Use the “Put in folder” pull-down menu to select the folder you just created. Your articles are now in your newly created folder. Exporting to RefWorks
Select “Bibliography”. Creating a Bibliography
Select the “Output Style”. Creating a Bibliography
Select the folder where your files are located. In “File Type to Create” you can decide to view the bibliography in RefWorks or send it to Microsoft Word. Click “Create Bibliography”. Creating a Bibliography
A bibliography is being processed. Click “Download it” you don’t see your bibliography on your screen. Creating a Bibliography
A bibliography is produced using the selected style. If you selected MS Word, the software opens showing the completed bibliography. Creating a Bibliography
Click “References” and click “Add New References” Additional Tools Add a Citation
Enter the citation information in the boxes provided. Click “Save References” or “Save and Add more” to continue adding citations. Click “View” to see the formatted citation. Additional Tools Add a Citation
Send the citation to the appropriate folder. Additional Tools Add a Citation
Using the “Tools” menu you can search online catalogs or databases within RefWorks and create a bibliography. Additional Tools Searching Online Catalogs
Use the pull- down menu to search a catalog. Enter the search term(s). Click “Search”. Additional Tools Searching Online Catalogs
Select view to see the complete citation. Send your citation to appropriate folder. Additional Tools Searching Online Catalogs
Using the “Tools” menu you can:.Cite within your document. Download the software to your computer. Additional Tools Cite within a document
When you open your Microsoft Word document a link to “Write N Cite” is seen on the menu bar. Begin typing your document and click “Write N Cite”. The software will go to RefWorks to allow you to select the citation. Additional Tools Cite within a document
Sign in to RefWorks”. Additional Tools Cite within a document
Go to “View” and Select the folder that contains the citation. Additional Tools Cite within a document
Select “Cite”. Additional Tools Cite within a document
Cited document Additional Tools Cite within a document
Other features Using the “Tools” menu you can:. Retrieve references from the web. Right click on the “RefGrab-it” link to add it to your Favorites on your browser. When you find a citation that you want to export, click “RefGrab-it”and it will be exported to RefWorks. Additional Tools Citations on the internet
“Ref Grab-it” is now in your Internet Explorer browser “Favorites” list. When you are on a web page with a citation, select “Ref Grab-it” to bring the citation into RefWorks. Additional Tools Citations on the internet
To view a more complete version select this link and import. Additional Tools Citations on the internet
All three citations are included in the bibliography. 1.Citation exported from EBSCOHOIST 2.The citation that was added by hand. 3.The citation that was found on the web. Additional Tools Citations on the internet
This and other PowerPoint tutorials are at Jacqueline A. Gill Associate Professor Reference Librarian and Information Literacy Coordinator ext
Paper Journals Finding Journals that are not online – use CUNY+
From the City college Library homepage click “Books, videos, and more”. Journal Title Search
Click “Journal Title Search” and type your title in the search box. On the left identify your search type. Select your journal.
Journal Title Search Identify your title.
Journal Title Search On the right of the title is the college link. Click this link to view the all paper issues.
Journal Title Search This is a list of “Bound” journals which are located on the 1 st floor.
Journal Title Search Paper journals are shown here. Go to the Circulation Desk to request the journal. City College Library Homepage
E-Journals Searching for a particular journal – Go to
E-Journals Go to the CCNY Library homepage and click “Articles via Databases”. Click Ejournals A-Z. Type in the name of the journal and click “Search”. Select any one of these databases to find your article.
E-Journals Select the year and issue.
E-Journals Select the title of the article and view the full text. City College Library Homepage
Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary Loans Finding materials not owned by CCNY Libraries Interlibrary loans are free ▪ Reprints of journal articles ▪ Reprints of magazine articles ▪ Temporary loan of books, some dissertations, reports, documents – but not textbooks Books owned by CUNY must be requested using CUNY+ through CLICS Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. You will be notified via when the book has arrived at the Circulation Desk. Loan period is 3 weeks. Articles are sent to your account.
Interlibrary loan Click “Services”
Click “Interlibrary Loans” Interlibrary loan Click “ILL Request” link
Interlibrary Loan Login here if you already have a login. First time users click here. Fill in your contact data.
Interlibrary Loan Make your selection her. For example, if you are loking for a boo, click “Book Request”. Fill in the book citation.
From the City College Library home page click “Research by Subject” link. Research by Subject
Select a subject. Research by Subject
–Within each subject related page you will find topics that will lead you to additional databases and web pages. Research by Subject
SCHOLAR Searching all CCNY databases
Google Scholar is on the internet but it is a special database that will provide scholarly referee research journals. Searching all CCNY databases
The “Find Full text at CUNY” link will bring you back into the CCNY Library database environment. Searching all CCNY databases
Select this link to view the full text of the article. Searching all CCNY databases
Circulation Desk, 2 nd Floor Reference Desk, 2 nd Floor Additional Resources Bound Periodicals, 1 st Floor PowerPoint Tutorials