Courts have well-established roles in oversight. ● Safety:children are protected while under court jurisdiction ● Permanency:children have permanency and stability ● Well-Being: children’s needs are met
Where traditional courts are seen as neutral interpreters of the law, guiding an adversarial process, problem-solving courts guide a collaborative process to solve problems. “If we are ever going to effectuate change in the child welfare system, judges have to take the lead.” National Center for State Courts How do we solve problems & effectuate change?
●Can establish a baseline against which to measure the success of the expectations you implemented ●Can assist courts in allocating resources ●Can assist in making further improvements
Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963) “justice too long delayed is justice denied”
Access to Educational Records Attendance in Court by Education Professionals Appointment of Education Decision-Makers Overcome Confidentiality Concerns Solving Transportation Issues Compel Enrollment Individualize Services