Jessie Bullens The role of landmarks in the development of object location memory
Piaget & Inhelder (1948) “The child’s conception of space” Topological space (up to 10 yrs) Projective space (ordinal) (10 yrs on) Eucledian space (metric) (10 yrs on)
Egocentric ‘snapshot’ Local landmark cues Distal landmark cues: allocentric representation Egocentric spatial updating Object Location Memory & Orientation
Nardini et al., 2006
Room cues + - Table cues +-+- Same view Room cues + - Table cues +-+- Diff. view
Radial error: age effect, children 5 years of age differed from 7 and 10-year-olds Angular error: no age effect > table cues available > room cues available when viewpoint changed