Research Products to Impact TB Advocacy around Resource Mobilization Sue Perez RESULTS Educational Fund Washington, DC
World Bank 2006 Report WHAT: Highlighted low spending for TB in Africa and opportunity for WB to do more given experience in Asia WHY: Realized WB spending almost $0 on TB in Africa; untapped source for resources to tackle TB AUDIENCE: Wolfowitz, VP Africa, MAP, EDs, MOCs/MPs, media IMPACT (so far): Got attention of WB that TB should be integral to AIDS response; asked to provide TB-HIV input in the Bank’s Africa Region HIV/AIDS Agenda for Action 07-11
PEPFAR 2004 Report WHAT: Highlighted link btwn TB and HIV/AIDS; status of TB-HIV coinfection in 14 focus countries; benefits of TB-HIV coordination in reducing mortality of PLWHA; recommended that spending just $53 million would detect/treat TB in remaining TB-HIV patients in focus countries WHY: Saw opportunity for PEPFAR to integrate TB as important means to reaching its overall goals AUDIENCE: OGAC, MOCs, Administration IMPACT: OGAC took on several recommendations – hired a TB-HIV point person, started to fund (although minimally) TB-HIV activities – funding has increased each FY, included TB-HIV in the COP guidance – incl indicators
PEPFAR 2007 Report WHAT: Update report on PEPFAR’s TB-HIV efforts; highlights four countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania WHAT: Update report on PEPFAR’s TB-HIV efforts; highlights four countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania WHY: Highlight existing gaps in TB-HIV programming; demonstrate successful TB-HIV activities, lessons learned, models that should be taken to scale and expanded in all focus countries WHY: Highlight existing gaps in TB-HIV programming; demonstrate successful TB-HIV activities, lessons learned, models that should be taken to scale and expanded in all focus countries AUDIENCE: OGAC, MOCs, Administration, USG country teams AUDIENCE: OGAC, MOCs, Administration, USG country teams IMPACT: TBD – launch this month IMPACT: TBD – launch this month
Global Fund Donor Report Card
WHAT: “Report card” grading 22 OECD DAC countries on how supportive they are of highest financing size scenario ($11 billion by 2010) based on 2006 and 2007 pledges WHAT: “Report card” grading 22 OECD DAC countries on how supportive they are of highest financing size scenario ($11 billion by 2010) based on 2006 and 2007 pledges WHY: Advocacy tool for CS to use in country- specific advocacy WHY: Advocacy tool for CS to use in country- specific advocacy AUDIENCE: 22 donor countries, media, GF secretariat, civil society AUDIENCE: 22 donor countries, media, GF secretariat, civil society IMPACT: Generated discussion in countries on the size issue and among CS on what to push for IMPACT: Generated discussion in countries on the size issue and among CS on what to push for