Halton Neglect Strategy Launch Event Tracey Coffey Operational Director Children and Families Services.


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Presentation transcript:

Halton Neglect Strategy Launch Event Tracey Coffey Operational Director Children and Families Services

2 Why does neglect matter? Nationally, neglect is the most prevalent presenting issue for contacts with Children’s Social Care and for those children and young people subject to a child protection plan Neglect is the predominant factor in serious case reviews where a child has died or been seriously injured Neglect creates lasting damage and long-term consequences Our collective ability to recognise and understand the impact of neglect is essential

3 What does neglect look like? It involves the failure to meet a child or young person’s ‘basic needs’ including the failure to recognise or act (deliberate/intentional):  medical neglect  nutritional neglect  emotional neglect  educational neglect  physical neglect  lack of supervision and guidance

4 Improve awareness across all agencies in Halton Implement a common understanding of neglect Introduce the Graded Care Profile and Neglect Practice Tool To assess, intervene and provide appropriate support services to children and young people living in neglectful situations Mapping of Parenting Programmes Reasons for the Neglect Strategy To introduce and improve Halton’s multi-agency response to neglect

5 Neglect Referrals: 3-year Trend

6 Child Protection Plans : 3-year Trend

Neglect in Halton Ward Referrals Child Protection Plan Halton Castle7123 Kingsway6327 Grange5415 Riverside430 Windmill Hill4415

8 Developing the Neglect Strategy has told us……..  Our analysis identified a gap in provision regarding a lack of Parenting Programmes specifically designed for families at Level 3 only.  Services need to become more focused in Kingsway, Riverside, Grange, Windmill Hill and Halton Castle wards to ensure that support is targeted in the Wards to make the most impact on neglect  That we need to support professionals to guard against and challenge each other around becoming acclimatised to the conditions of neglect

9 Programme for today….. 9:30Workshops 1: Impact of Neglect on Children’s development and attachment 10:15Workshop 2: Adolescents/attachment 11:00Tea/Coffee break 11:15Workshop 3: Case Studies, Graded Care Profile & Neglect Practice Tool 12:00Feedback/Plenary Session The presentations will be available on Halton Children’s Trust website