1 Developed by the Canadian Nurses Association and the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario Adapted for use by [name of PEACE site]


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Presentation transcript:

1 Developed by the Canadian Nurses Association and the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario Adapted for use by [name of PEACE site]


3 Two-year national project between Canadian Nurses Association and the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario from April 2010 – March 2012 A series of education sessions implemented in 10 PEACE Sites across Canada Topics included are recognizing elder abuse; when and how to report elder abuse; how to intervene; and what you can do to prevent elder abuse Resources and materials on NurseONE Promoting Awareness of Elder Abuse in Long-Term Care

Objectives By the end of this module, the learner will: 1.Understand why elder abuse is an important issue 2.Describe the [name of home] mission, vision, values, and policy as it relates to elder abuse 3.Define elder abuse and the types of elder abuse 4

Abuse of Older Adults : What is it? Any action, or lack of action, by someone in a relationship of trust that results in harm or distress to an older person. National Seniors Council,

Abuse of Older Adults is an issue of growing importance in Canada Seniors are the fastest growing age group in Canada; age group most likely to live in a long term care setting 20-30% of seniors will live in a long term care setting during their lifetime People coming into long term care are older, frailer and have increasingly complex needs 6

Why Elder Abuse remains an important issue Frontline staff members in long term care witness elder abuse at some point in their career Ethical and professional practice issues 7

What is important to us? Insert your mission, vision, and values here Connect to the importance of this project 8

Why does elder abuse happen? Residents more dependent or have more complex needs Residents have difficulty communicating Residents are socially isolated: medical condition or loss of friends or family Weaker ties between generations Stress or frustration in the workplace 9

What are we already doing or have in place to prevent elder abuse? 10

Types of elder abuse Physical Emotional Neglect Sexual Financial Violation of rights 11

Physical Abuse 12 Any act of violence or rough behaviour that may or may not result in physical injury but causes physical discomfort or pain

Physical Abuse can be: Pushing Shoving Hitting Slapping Poking Pulling hair Biting Pinching Spitting Environmental restraints Medications 13

Emotional Abuse Any action, verbal or non-verbal, which lessens a resident’s sense of identity, dignity and self worth 14

Emotional Abuse can be: not considering a resident’s wishes not respecting a resident’s belongings speaking in a different language in front of a resident inappropriate control of activities treating a resident like a child bullying name-calling 15

Neglect Not meeting the basic needs of the resident Two types: 1.Active: intentionally not meeting the basic needs of the resident 2.Passive: unintentionally not meeting the basic needs of the resident 16

Neglect can Violate a Person’s Dignity: ‘Not being seen’: Ignoring Residents Removing or switching off ‘call’ devices Intentionally dissatisfying a Resident’s wishes (e.g. preferred radio station choice) Isolating Residents (Buzgova & Ivanova, 2011) 17

Neglect can be: Withholding care or medical attention Leaving a resident in an unsafe place Over or under medicating Not providing food or liquids Not providing proper clothing or hygiene Untreated bedsores Abandonment Restraining the resident inappropriately 18

Sexual Abuse Any sexual behaviour without the resident’s full knowledge and consent 19

Sexual Abuse can be: Unwanted touching, kissing and fondling Making sexual remarks and/or suggestions Sexual contact without consent Lack of personal privacy 20

Financial Abuse Misuse of a resident’s money, property or funds, resulting in financial or personal gain for the abuser and/or a financial or personal loss for the resident 21

Financial Abuse can be: Taking things Unpaid bills Lack of spending money Undue pressure Persuasion to give up control of finances Tricked into signing something not understood 22

Violation of Rights The denial of a resident’s rights as an adult, including legal rights 23

Violation of Rights can be: Interfering with or opening a resident’s mail Withholding information Not letting the resident go out and/or socialize, if able Denying privacy, visitors, phone calls Denying of religious worship or spiritual practice 24

Key Points Many types of elder abuse Elder abuse occurs in long term care Promote an abuse free environment 25


What’s Next? Module 1: Understanding Elder Abuse Module 2: Recognizing Elder Abuse 27

Resources 28