What Is Adult Safeguarding?


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Presentation transcript:

What Is Adult Safeguarding? ‘Safeguarding’ is a range of activity aimed at upholding an adult’s fundamental right to be safe at the same time as respecting people’s rights to make choices. Safeguarding involves empowerment, protection and justice. ‘

Safeguarding Responses Are: Aimed at people who have care and support needs or are in receipt of care and support who may be in vulnerable circumstances and at risk of abuse or neglect. In these cases, local services must work together to spot those at risk and take steps to protect them in accordance with multi-agency procedures.

Types of Abuse Physical – hitting, shaking, force-feeding Sexual – sexual assault, rape, forcing someone to watch pornography Psychological – verbal abuse, isolation, humiliation, intimidation, threats Financial/material – withholding money, theft, fraud, Neglect – withholding food / medication, failing to provide physical care Discriminatory – harassment & abuse due to someone’s race, gender, disability, age, faith, culture, or sexual orientation Institutional - mistreatment due to poor or inadequate care or support, or systematic poor practice that affects the whole care setting. Domestic Abuse - controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.

Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board (IWSAB) The Safeguarding Adults Board is the partnership which leads & monitors safeguarding practice on the Isle of Wight IWSAB’s primary objective is to ensure the protection of ‘adults at risk’ of significant harm: to work together to promote safer communities to prevent harm and abuse, and to identify, investigate and respond effectively to allegations of abuse. In order to achieve this it must ensure that safeguarding adults is everyone’s responsibility.

The Care Act - Local Authorities have a duty to: establish Safeguarding Adults Boards - to include the local authority, NHS and police make enquiries, under Section 42, or request others to make them, when they think an adult with care and support needs may be at risk of abuse or neglect carry out Safeguarding Adults Reviews when someone with care and support needs dies as a result of neglect or abuse and there is a concern about the way agencies worked together arrange for an independent advocate to represent and support a person who is the subject of a safeguarding enquiry or review, if required. Includes a focus on prevention

The Care Act The Act establishes the importance of organisations sharing vital information related to abuse or neglect with SABs. Not to do so could prevent them from being able to tackle problems quickly and learn lessons to prevent them happening again. If the SAB requests information from an organisation or individual who is likely to have information which is relevant to SAB’s functions, they must share what they know with the SAB.

The Care Act - Making Safeguarding Personal I want to feel safe from continuing harm and abuse I want to feel empowered and able to manage my situation I want to be aware of the information, services and options there are that can meet my needs I want my views, wishes and worries taken seriously and believed I want to maintain relationships that are important to me without compromising my health and wellbeing I want to know how to take precautions against harm and how to keep safe I want to feel in control and not driven or controlled by the adult safeguarding process.

Safeguarding is Everyone's Responsibility - What Can You Do? Act as a champion for safeguarding in your organisation Make sure your processes related to safeguarding adults are fit for purpose Access training on safeguarding Be aware of the local Policy, Procedures and Guidance

Safeguarding Adults: Multi-Agency Policy, Procedures and Guidance Staff and volunteers from any service or setting who have contact with persons at risk have a responsibility to be aware of issues of abuse, neglect or exploitation. All staff and volunteers have a duty to act in a timely manner on any concern or suspicion that an adult who is vulnerable is being, or is at risk of being, abused, neglected or exploited and to ensure that the situation is assessed and investigated. http://www.iwight.com/Residents/Care-and-Support/Adults-Services/Safeguarding-Adults-Board/Guidance-Policy-and-Procedure

If you are concerned about an adult: Telephone: Adults Safeguarding Team: 01983 814980 Email: safeguarding.referrals@iow.gov.uk

Contact the Isle of Wight Safeguarding Adults Board Email Fleur.gardiner@iow.gov.uk Tel: 01983 821000 ext 6332.