Dangers In Neglect Hebrews 2:1-3
Dangers In Neglect We have neglected our salvation when we do not radiate the love of God in our lives (1 John 4:7-11).
Dangers In Neglect We have neglected our salvation when we become indifferent to the needs of the lost (Romans 1:14-17).
Dangers In Neglect We have neglected our salvation when we have lost a burning desire to improve (Ephesians 4:11-16).
Failure To Improve When we fail to repent. When we hear without doing. When we remain spiritual infants When we are not distinct from the world
Dangers In Neglect We have neglected our salvation when we leave God out of our decisions (Matthew 6:24).
Dangers In Neglect If we neglect something long enough it will fail. What about your soul?