Jennifer Jones Interim Executive Director Wisconsin Children’s Trust Fund
July 2008 – Present: Wisconsin Statewide Trauma-Informed Advisory Committee September 2009: Inclusion of the ACE module in the 2010 Wisconsin Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS) January 2012: Release report “Adverse Childhood Experiences in Wisconsin: Findings from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Survey” 2009 – Present: Convene ACE & Trauma Workgroup to advance strategic recommendations based on the ACE findings. 2
ACEs are common ACEs are interrelated ACEs are associated with: –Mental Health Outcomes –Health Risk Behaviors –Physical Health Outcomes –Socioeconomic Status –Medicaid/Badger Care Enrollment –Quality of Life 3
ACE Findings: Over 60% reported at least one ACE, compared to 56% in Respondents with 4 or more ACEs were more likely to be nonwhite, young, have children, and be unmarried. Respondents with 4 or more ACEs tend to have less education, and are more likely to be currently unemployed or disabled, and to be low-income. Nearly a third of black respondents reported 4 or more ACEs, compared with 14% of whites. Low-income respondents with 4 or more ACEs had an increased risk of chronic/severe illness than higher income respondents with 4 or more ACEs. 4
Wisconsin’s Four Key Priority Areas: 1)Increase public awareness; 2)Address co-occurrence of ACEs among children of incarcerated parents; 3)Expand the knowledge and use of ACE data within Medicaid/BadgerCare; and 4)Enhance ACE related data in Wisconsin. 8
Transforming Prevention Target prevention efforts and messages based on Wisconsin ACE findings. Implement Positive Community Norms model to address societal norms as they relate to safe, stable, nurturing environments and relationships for children. 9
Partnering with Corrections 1)ACE module with poverty & neglect questions into Corrections data system 2)Piloting Sesame Street educational materials 3)Policy brief on ACEs and incarceration 4)Identifying strategies that address ACEs among children currently growing up with a household member who is incarcerated 10
Wisconsin ACE Data Enhancements 2013: 1. Translate the Wisconsin Behavioral Risk Factor Survey into Spanish 2. Oversample geographic regions in the state with higher populations of Native Americans 2014: 1. Include questions in the BRFS related to neglect and poverty 11
Draft Poverty & Neglect Survey Questions Food/Hunger Homelessness Health care access Clothing Feeling safe and protected Number of caring adults Parental education Single parenthood 12
First Lady of Wisconsin’s Fostering Futures Initiative. National Governor’s Association 3-Branch Initiative. Commitment to create trauma-informed state agencies. Continue to utilize ACE data to create systems-level change and transform societal norms. 13