Texas Model for Addressing Disproportionality and Disparities A Practice Model for Eliminating Disproportionality and Disparities Joyce James, LMSW-AP.


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Presentation transcript:

Texas Model for Addressing Disproportionality and Disparities A Practice Model for Eliminating Disproportionality and Disparities Joyce James, LMSW-AP Health and Human Services Commission Associate Deputy Executive Commissioner February 20, 2013

2 Mission To partner with Health and Human Service Commission agencies and external stakeholders to identify and eliminate disproportionality and disparities

3 Source: 1. Myers, 2010 (See Don Baumann for complete citation). 2. Ibid. 3. ojjdp.gov/dmc; NEA, “Disproportionality: Inappropriate identification of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children,” TermDefinition Most commonly used in: Disproportionality The comparison of persons of a certain race or ethnicity in a target population (e.g., African American children) to persons in a reference (or base) population (e.g., Anglo children). 1 Child welfare Health Disparity A particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social or economic disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have experienced greater social or economic obstacles to health based on their racial or ethnic group, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, mental health, cognitive, sensory, or physical disability, sexual orientation, geography, or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion. 3 Health DMC – Disproportionate minority contact The disproportionate number of minority youth that come into contact with the juvenile justice system Juvenile justice Achievement gap The observed disparity on a number of educational measures between the performance of groups of students Education Many terms are used to describe racial inequity in outcomes across systems

4 Texas Cross Systems Data

History January 2005, the 79th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 6 September 2007, the 80th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 758 September 2010, the creation of the new Center by former Executive Commissioner Tom Suehs

History May 2011, Senate Bill 501 established in law an Interagency Council (IC) led by Joyce James and the Center as the state of Texas Office of Minority Health

7 SB501 Partners HHSC, CEDD, DADS, DARS, DSHS, DFPS Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) Texas Education Association (TEA) Office of Court Administration (OCA) Office of Attorney General (OAG) Supreme Court Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth and Families Community Based Representative Faith-Based Representative Foster Care Youth Alumni Two Medical Community Representatives

8 The Texas Model Data Driven Strategies Leadership Development Culturally Competent Workforce Community Engagement Cross Systems Collaborations Training Defined by Anti-Racist Principles An Understanding of the History of Institutionalized Racism and the Impact on Poor Communities and Communities of Color

CJA Grant 2012 Proposal: To develop, deliver, and evaluate a curriculum- based training model on disproportionality for mandated reporters that introduces CJA grantees and others in child-serving systems to the concepts of disproportionality, disparities, and how data informs decision-making and guides service delivery in culturally competent systems of care

CJA Grant 2012 “Big Picture” Direct alignment with the mission of CEDD Builds capacity to provide expertise in the areas of training and technical assistance, leadership development, policy, and innovative approaches to addressing systematic disproportionality and disparities. Aligns with cross systems charge of S.B. 501

CJA Grant 2012 Objective(s) Assess where mandatory reporters are in their current knowledge, skill, practice, or behavior related to racial disproportionality and disparities and then to use that information to develop an educational offering

CJA Grant 2012 Objective(s) Identify resources, training, and tools needed to eliminate racial bias in reporting

CJA Grant 2012 Objective(s) Make available to statewide and local mandatory reporters ongoing competency- based training on disproportionality and disparities to decrease and ultimately eliminate racial bias in the reporting of child abuse and neglect cases

CJA Grant 2012 Project Approach Use the framework of the Texas model to design and develop the training video and guide, and provide training to mandatory reporters

CJA Grant 2012 Project Approach Project review by various multi- disciplinary teams of professionals, including but not limited to law enforcement, CPS, and prosecution, to ensure consistency with the general understandings, statutes, and standards of the various disciplines related to recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect

CJA Grant 2012 Project Approach Tools developed to focus on school personnel, including among others, administrators, classroom teachers, guidance counselors, and school nurses

CJA Grant 2012 Project activities: Inventory existing mandatory reporter training and materials in Texas and other states Identify a pilot site and locations for focus groups and meetings Conduct a series of meetings and focus groups to discuss the project, share data, gather feedback and input, and assess current knowledge, skill, practice, or behavior related to racial disproportionality

CJA Grant 2012 Project activities: Analyze comments and feedback from meetings and focus groups Develop a competency based training video and guide including the planned instructional strategies Prepare and submit biannual CJA report

CJA Grant 2012 Project activities continued: Solicit comments and feedback on final draft of the training video and guide; make revisions as necessary Conduct pre-pilot Undoing Racism (UR) training with mandatory reporters and school personnel from pilot site; participants will be asked to complete a pre-training survey about disproportionality

CJA Grant 2012 Project activities continued: Conduct post-training survey about disproportionality Deliver the training video and guide to pilot site liaisons Document the outcomes Prepare and submit final CJA report

CJA Grant 2012 Project results: Partnered with Regions 4 and 10 ESCs Training provided to over 350 school reporters in Dallas-metro area, Port Arthur, and Waco Training provided to 300 Houston ISD school nurses Upcoming training of Fort Worth ISD administrators and principals

CJA Grant 2012 Project results: Training participants reported a 45% change in understanding how their role in reporting abuse and neglect impacts disproportionality and disparities in the education system

CJA Grant 2012 Project results: Participants stated this training “pulls ‘back the curtain’ on the un-written, non-verbal confrontational acts of racism” that lead to disproportionality in disciplinary referrals as well as special education services

CJA Grant 2012 Project results: Response to CJA training video equally positive Amy Pool, Interagency Resources/Multicultural and Diverse Learners Consultant said that, “ I completed the training and was very impressed with how well it stayed true to the mission of building cultural awareness and bringing the disproportionality issue to the forefront. Very well done. Thank you!”

CJA Grant 2013 Proposal: To conduct a statewide pilot of structured disproportionality and disparities training for mandatory school reporters of child abuse and neglect

CJA Grant 2013 Building on the success of the pilot year, conducting structured disproportionality and disparities training for mandatory school reporters of child abuse and neglect statewide Hold a 3.5 hour leadership development training, “Introduction to Courageous Conversations,” for teachers counselors, social workers, and administrators of local education agencies within each education service center region

CJA Grant 2013 Host one Undoing Racism Training for two participants from each education service center region and 13 disproportionality and disparities specialists Distribute the training video and guide, “What mandated reporters need to know about racial disproportionality and disparities” to all workshop participants as an opportunity to support ongoing learning

CJA Grant 2013 Goal(s) Focus to expand the delivery of the discipline-specific disproportionality and disparities workshop developed during implementation of the FY2012 CEDD CJA grant to mandatory school reporters statewide

CJA Grant 2013 Goal(s) Address two CJA task force recommendations Recommendation A.2.: Provide statewide and local professional training to improve the management of child abuse and neglect cases. Recommendation B.3.: Develop and implement programs that increase cultural competency in relation to decision- making processes in the handling of child abuse and neglect.

CJA Grant 2013 “Big Picture” unchanged from FY 2012 Direct alignment with the mission of CEDD Aligns with cross systems charge of S.B. 501