A ‘Rights Respecting’ School
3 The UNCRC is at the heart of its ethos and curriculum, improving well being for all and helping every child develop her /his talents and abilities. The school promotes a sense of self as a global citizen acting for justice and sustainable living. In a UNICEF rights respecting school…
4 What happens on the journey to becoming a Rights Respecting School? In a nutshell: Children and adults learn about the UNCRC, Everyone learns to use it as a guide to living Emphasis on reciprocity. 4 standards and 18 success criteria
5 What is the UNCRC? SURVIVAL DEVELOPMENT PARTICIPATION PROTECTION The Convention makes clear that ALL children have a right to an education that helps them to reach their full potential. This includes helping them to know about and realise all their rights. The child’s right to life means the most basic needs, including food, shelter and access to health care must be treated as rights, implying duties. The right to freedom of expression, to be listened to and be taken seriously, to play an active part in their communities – local and global. Every child’s right The right to play, to be cared for, protected from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
6 A.Rights respecting values underpin leadership and management B.The whole school community learns about the UNCRC. C.The school has a rights respecting ethos D.Children and young people are empowered to become active citizens and learners The 4 RRSA standards Learning to live sustainably and act for global justice guided by the UNCRC runs like a silver thread through the 4 standards
7 In a rights respecting school Leadership commits the school to… learning about the UNCRC and beyond (emerging capacities..HRA and UNDHR) learning and teaching through UNCRC values and principles (modelling, language, planning, policies) learning and teaching for the realisation of children’s rights globally (links to Global citizenship strand Day for Change) Rights respecting values underpin leadership and management
88 UNCRC ARTICLES AND VALUES EXAMPLES OF OPPORTUNITIES studied in classes campaigns assemblies (could be linked to a local, national or world event) newsletters homeworks website parents evenings open days The whole school community learns about the UNCRC.
These rights are unconditional We agree what to do to help everyone enjoy their rights We learn what these rights imply for adults and for us The school has a rights respecting ethos CLASS CHARTERS
Participation rights: Articles Children and young people are empowered to become active citizens and learners
11 Parents/Staff and beyond Edward Wilson Primary Westminster
12 WHY THE RRSA WORKS a.The CRC is universal - mutual, reciprocal: makes sense to children and adults b.Removes relativism of school rules c.All faiths / no faith d.Empowers e.Relationships (inclusive / language to manage) f.Practical guide for living: now and in the future g.Citizens now. h.Coherence for school leadership and school development
Values Foundations An Introduction Religion Family National culture True friendship Materialism Consumerism Gang Celebrity
Underpinning Values Great learning communities built on foundations of shared & secure values