No New Preservation Rule When does duty to preserve attach? Reasonably anticipated litigation. Audio sanctions
Scope of Preservation Time period Issue
Litigation Hold Notice to key personnel IT consults Protocol for retrieving ESI Monitoring procedures to implement the hold
Reasonably Accessible
Undue Burden or Cost
ESI IS KEY TO WINNING LITIGATION ESI volume exceeds paper CD has 325,000 pages (125 banker boxes) 100,000 employees; so s per day is 1.5 billion annually META DATA track a documents existence ESI can be costly to review
Good Cause
Access to E-Data Test or Sample Form Produced Ordinarily Maintained Reasonably Usable Subpoena: Testing/Sample
ESI Agenda or Businesses Legal and IT must review and understand the ESI system and where data is stored. Legal and IT must track the retention and destruction of data under the company’s policy. Legal and IT must develop procedures for implementing a litigation hold. Legal and IT must review backup tape storage cycles.
ESI Agenda for Businesses (continued) Implement systems to prevent inadvertent disclosure of attorney-client and work product materials. Prepare a data/document map tracking the flow of data in, out and through the system
Chart of Litigation
Chart of Discovery
New E-Discovery Rules
Rule 26(f) Conference Early discussion of ESI Preservation Form of production Privilege and work product
Rule 16 Scheduling Order
Rule 34 Production of ESI Sample of ESI Form of production specified Produce as ordinarily kept or reasonably usable
Rule 45 Subpoena to Test or Sample ESI Specify form produced
Rule 37 Safe Harbor No sanctions for routine good faith ESI system
Rule 26(b) 45(d) Protects against inadvertent waiver Not reasonably accessible because of undue cost or burden