Fabio Leite, IMT-2000 Project Manager International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Emergency Telecommunications Workshop 26-27 February.


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Presentation transcript:

Fabio Leite, IMT-2000 Project Manager International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Emergency Telecommunications Workshop February 2002, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France Emergency Communications and IMT-2000

The Tampere Conferences The Tampere Conference (1991): The first declaration on Disaster Communications called on ITU Member States to take all practical steps to facilitate the rapid deployment and effective use of telecommunications equipment for disaster mitigation and disaster relief by reducing, and where possible, removing regulatory barriers and strengthening transborder cooperation between countries. The Intergovernmental Conference on Emergency Telecommunications in 1998 (ICET-98): Adopted the Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunications for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations, an international treaty, deposited with the United Nations Secretary-General. Combined efforts by ITU & UN OCHA * * Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations

The Tampere Conferences-2 The 2 nd Tampere Conference on Disaster Communications (CDC-2001), May 2001, invited the ITU to study: a) the use of public mobile networks for early warning and the dissemination of emergency information; b) operational aspects of emergency telecommunications such as call prioritization

In ITU RESOLUTION 36 (PP-94, Rev. PP-98) “Disaster Communications” : reiterates the need for an International Convention on Disaster Communications and instructed ITU Sec-Gen to work closely with the UN Relief Coordinator on the development of practical arrangements for the implementation of the Tampere Convention. ARTICLE 1 (ITU Constitution): ITU shall “promote the adoption of measures for ensuring the safety of life through the cooperation of telecommunication services”.

ITU Telecommunication Development Sector RESOLUTION 7 (WTDC-94) “Disaster Communications”: urged administrations to remove national regulatory barriers in order to allow unhindered use of telecommunications in disaster mitigation and relief. RESOLUTION 19 (WTDC-98): invited ITU to ensure that proper consideration be given to emergency communications as an element of telecommunication development, including the encouragement for the use of decentralized means of telecommunication. Valletta Declaration of WTDC-98: underlined the importance of emergency telecommunications and the need for an international Convention. Handbook on Disaster Communications (© ITU 2001) (

ITU Radiocommunication Sector RESOLUTION 644 (Rev. WRC-2000) “Telecommunication resources for disaster mitigation and relief operations”: invite studies, i.a., on decentralized means of communications that are appropriate and generally available, including amateur radio facilities and mobile and portable satellite terminals. RESOLUTION 645 (WRC-2000) “Global harmonization of spectrum for public protection and disaster relief (PPDR)”: invite studies on the identification of frequency bands on a global/regional basis, regulatory provisions, technical and operational basis for global cross- border circulation of radio equipment (decisions at WRC-03). “… Technologies being developed for IMT-2000 can be used to support PPDR requirements. …”

ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU-T RECOMMENDATION E.106 “Description of an International Emergency Preference Scheme (IEPS)”: The primary goal of IEPS is to support crisis management arrangements. IEPS should significantly increase the ability of essential users to initiate and complete their communications (voice and data) via the PSTN, ISDN and PLMN. … it is important for an international support scheme during a crisis to lay down the interoperability principles necessary to allow communications between the essential users in one country and their correspondents in another. ITU-T RECOMMENDATION F.706 “Service Description for an International Emergency Multimedia Service”

ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU-T RECOMMENDATION Y.roec “Framework(s) on Network Requirements and Capabilities to Support Emergency Communications over Evolving Circuit Switched and Packet Switched Networks ”: presents an overview of the basic requirements, features, and concepts for emergency communications that evolving networks are capable of providing. ITU-T RECOMMENDATION M.ieps “TMN X-interface Requirements for International Emergency Communications”: defines the functional requirements for interchange of critical management information to support emergency recovery operations from serious disaster situations for restoration of community infrastructure and return the population to normal living conditions.

IMT-2000 Standards ITU-R RECOMMENDATION M.816 “Framework for IMT-2000 services”: Location capability requirements exist for IMT-2000, such that the provision of information to the calling or called party as to the location of the corresponding IMT-2000 user. In order to protect the privacy of the IMT-2000 user, access to location information must be restricted to specific applications authorized by the IMT user and the administration concerned. ITU-T RECOMMENDATION Q.1701 “Framework for IMT-2000 networks ”: Location management is listed in the network Capability Set 1 for IMT Network capabilities for emergency call handling is also specified, where in the geographic positioning of a terminal/user, user control over subscribed location service information is required, including the capability to prevent inadvertent disabling of mandatory service location functionality.

IMT-2000 Standards-2 ITU-T RECOMMENDATION Q.1711 “Network functional model for IMT-2000”: includes details on the functions related to location management and geographic position finding. In particular, it describes: geographic position determination and notification, identification of emergency services calls, and emergency services calls handling. ITU-T RECOMMENDATION Q.1721 “Information flows for IMT-2000 Capability Set 1”: contains information flows for mobility management related IMT-2000 services and network capabilities, which addresses location management, including geographic positioning, e.g., emergency call origination: “Emergency calls should bypass normal authentication and location registration processing. Emergency calls may not require the presence of a UIM in the MT. …”

The Way Forward Global solutions Interoperability of standards Harmonized approaches Industry-Government-Public Awareness Partnership public/private sectors International Cooperation International legal, technical and operational framework