Baton Rouge Ozone Non-Attainment Area
Attainment History 1999 failure to attain 2002 Transport SIP with a NOx control strategy 2003 Transport SIP invalidated, area reclassified to “Severe” with 2005 attainment date 2004 Baton Rouge area designated “marginal” under the new 8-hr ozone standard with a 2007 attainment date 2007 attainment date was not achieved
INFRARED IMAGING HAWK Demonstration Study-June 2005Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina & RitaFollow-Up study began summer 2006 and has continued through September 2007
The HAWK-What It Sees
INFRARED IMAGING 2005 Demonstration Study Definition of a “Leaker” for this study -permitted or authorized emission -unauthorized or illegal emission Examples could be pressure relief valves, permitted emission sources, etc. Examined 2,000-3,000 railcars, more than 500 storage tanks and less than 100 barges
INFRARED IMAGING Hurricanes Katrina & Rita Contracted with LSI out of Texas Fixed facilities Railcars Oil Spills Natural Gas
Aerial Reconnaissance
LDEQ/CTAC AREAS OF CONCERN Rapid ID of barge contentsMinimize chemical releases into the surrounding environment
Recommendations for Best Management Practices to Control and Reduce Inadvertent Cargo Vapor Emissions in the Tank Barge Community The American Waterways Operators
HAWK Flights 2006 & 2007 July 18, 19 and 20, 2006 September 12, 13 and 14, 2006 July 11, 12 and 13, 2007 August 28 and 29, 2007 Can we calculate volumes based on visual HAWK Plume Barge department representatives included Boarding of leaking barges occurred
Examples of Barge Contents No HRVOCs found leaking Py gas Acetone AV gas Unleaded Gasoline Raffinate Natural Gas Crude Oil Light Cycle Oils
“HAWKing” Forward Long-term flight schedule? Determine the volume of chemicals released (future study) Can we calculate volumes based on visual HAWK Plume Evaluate effectiveness of AWO recommendations Are barge emission regulations needed?