CDF Operations Bob Wagner, ANL May 09, 2005 All Experimenters’ Meeting
09 May 2005Bob Wagner, All Experimenters' Meeting2 Store Summary (02-09 May 2005) Store Start Date Duration (hours) Uptime (hours) Initial Lum (μb-s) -1 Delivered Int. Lum (pb -1 ) Live Int. Lum. (pb -1 ) Comments 4122 Quench 02 May Mon % % Level 2 Trigger and Event Builder problems Pause for TeV Losses 4125 Normal term 03 May Tue-Wed % % Silicon Voltage trips Event Builder cleanup 4126 Normal term 04 May Wed-Thu % % Si Readout Resonance and Calorimeter Readout Problems 4131 Normal term 06 May Fri-Sat % % Time of Flight bad ch. Silicon Voltage trip 4132 Normal term 07 May Sat-Sun % % Silicon Voltage trips Very Quiet Overall Total % %
09 May 2005Bob Wagner, All Experimenters' Meeting3 CDF Operations DAQ Observed increase in Readout Deadtime after Supervised Access on Thursday Still tracing source of deadtime. Possible causes are inadvertent diagnostic mode in some readout board or communication errors from readout board Performed testing with Level 2 and 3 trigger systems and Event Builder Added some tools to Level 3 to allow faster recovery from misbehaving processor nodes Silicon Addressed several maintenance tasks during Supervised Access on Thursday. Failed power supply on Saturday produced additional hole in Silicon Vertex Trigger system. Successfully replace on Controlled Access on Sunday. Calorimeter On Supervised Access replaced two plug HV modules, fixed Central Cal. calibration board, performed Shower Max diagnostics After Supervised Access, Central Shower Max readout board developed intermittent problem with sending data Muon On Supervised Access: disabled small section of Central Muon Upgrade Chambers that had frequent trip problems Treated section of Central Muon Extension Chambers with Corona Dope to determine effectiveness of reducing humidity related trip problems. Isolated bad HV channel in Barrel Muon system but were not able to fix Central Outer Track Installed upgraded TDC boards into one more crate during Supervised Access. 6/20 crates now complete.
09 May 2005Bob Wagner, All Experimenters' Meeting4 Run II Integrated Luminosity Delivered: ~967 pb -1 Recorded: ~764 pb -1 Delivered: ~967 pb -1 Recorded: ~764 pb -1 Approaching our first 1 fb -1 delivered
09 May 2005Bob Wagner, All Experimenters' Meeting5 Physics Highlight: BR(B s →D s (φπ)3π) Assumes PDG value for f s /f d = 0.028