PRINCIPLES AND THOUGHTS ON PASS INTERFERENCE Jason S. Capps Pacific Northwest Football Officials Association
Defining Pass Interference… It is pass interference by either team when any player’s movement beyond the neutral zone significantly hinders an eligible opponent’s opportunity to catch the ball. Offensive Pass Interference rules apply from the time of the snap. Defensive Pass Interference rules apply from the time the ball is thrown.
Pass Interference Restrictions End… For A players when B touches the last forward pass. For eligible A players when A touches the last forward pass. For B players when the pass is touched by any player.
Seven Categories of DPI are… 1.Not playing the ball- –Defender must be looking for the ball prior to any contact. 2.Playing through the back of an eligible receiver who has established position. 3.Grabbing the arm of an eligible receiver. 4.The “Arm Bar” –Extending an arm across the opponent’s body
Seven Categories of DPI are… 5.Cutting off the path of an eligible receiver –Need contact. 6.“Hook and Turn” 7.Faceguarding –Make it obvious and “big time”
Three Categories of Offensive Pass Interference 1.Blocking downfield before the ball is touched. –“Pick play” –Be especially alert inside the “red zone.” –“Delay” the flag after block to see if a pass play develops. 2.Shoving or pushing-off and creating separation. 3.Driving through a defender who has established position.
The Following Should NOT be Considered Pass Interference… Inadvertent tripping if both players are looking for the ball. Incidental contact by a defender’s hands, arms, or body when both players are competing for the ball or neither is playing the ball. Hand or hands placed on the receiver with no turning or “restriction” on the receiver.
Why are Pass Interference Calls Missed? The Official is not in proper position. –Must hustle to see between the receiver and defender. The Official is watching the ball and not the players. –Need to watch player’s head and body to see where they are looking and what contact occurs. The Official is not watching their key or zone. –Watching wrong player or players
Pass Interference Notes If there is any question, rule the contact “incidental.” Defensive players have as much right to the path of the ball as eligible offensive receivers. After the ball is touched by Team B, pass interference restrictions end. No pass interference in or behind the neutral zone –You can have “defensive holding.”
Defensive Holding on Eligible Receivers Must RESTRICT or HINDER receiver’s movement. –Causes a “stumble” or “looses a step” getting off line of scrimmage. –Generally, just grabbing a jersey is NOT enough. –Look for “Advantage/Disadvantage”
Offensive Holding on a Running Play By a tight end or receiver, must CONTROL the Defensive Player’s movement –AT THE POINT OF ATTACK. –Possibly “delay” the flag to see “what happens next.”