NO RICE! (For Juniors) Reviewing chapters 1-5
indirect vicarious instigate impetuous
Answer: vicarious
con artist charlatan zealot dissident
Answer: charlatan
disadvantage detriment instigate illicit
Answer: detriment
an extremist facetious maudlin zealot
Answer: zealot
to honor hoist venerate corroborate
Answer: venerate
to confirm vicarious berate corroborate
Answer: corroborate
outgoing lethargy dexterous gregarious
Answer: gregarious
skilled ubiquitous dexterous ambiguous
Answer: dexterous
basic ostentatious irrevocable rudimentary
Answer: rudimentary
to hold back relinquish squelch juxtapose
Answer: squelch
to scold berate precipitate collaborate
Answer: berate
to ridicule retrospect regress scoff
Answer: scoff
put side by side discretion squelch juxtapose
Answer: juxtapose
to spread proliferation disseminate detriment
Answer: disseminate
funny facetious euphoric inadvertent
Answer: facetious
silly inane dormant gregarious
Answer: inane
To drive away despondent sporadic estrange
Answer: estrange
to go in different directions scoff diverge venerate
Answer: diverge
very happy resilient euphoric impetuous
Answer: euphoric
ideal charlatan optimum inane
Answer: optimum
irregular scrupulous optimum sporadic
Answer: sporadic
to yield diverge embellish relinquish
Answer: relinquish
not active subsidize estrange dormant
Answer: dormant
to go backward regress squander juxtapose
Answer: regress
inactivity dissident lethargy zenith
Answer: lethargy
perfect ambiguous infallible embellish
Answer: infallible
to raise inadvertent hoist subsidize
Answer: hoist
looking back retrospect inane squander
Answer retrospect
found everywhere maudlin infallible ubiquitous
Answer: ubiquitous
unlawful proliferation Illicit relinquish
Answer: illicit
the highest point collaborate zenith optimum
Answer: zenith
not intended precipitate inadvertent squelch
Answer: inadvertent
to spend carelessly berate squander instigate
Answer: squander
to decorate sporadic venerate embellish
Answer: embellish
quick to recover resilient disseminate sensory
Answer: resilient
a rebel dissident estrange ubiquitous
Answer: dissident
depressed scoff despondent ostentatious
Answer: despondent
ethical corroborate scrupulous charlatan
Answer: scrupulous
unclear irrevocable ambiguous dexterous
Answer: ambiguous
showy facetious vicarious ostentatious
Answer: ostentatious
to bring on precipitate hoist infallible
Answer: precipitate
of the senses rudimentary gregarious sensory
Answer: sensory
good sense discretion Impetuous inadvertent
Answer: discretion
to pay for illicit subsidize regress
Answer: subsidize
not reversable rudimentary scrupulous irrevocable
Answer: irrevocable
overly emotional dormant maudlin euphoric
Answer: maudlin
team up diverge collaborate zenith
Answer: collaborate
a rapid increase disseminate resilient proliferation
Answer: proliferation